Letter from Lorance, vicar apostolic, to PF. Lorance wants to express his gratitude and consolation that was within the letter sent by PF on 12 December last year. This should have ended the problems with the Trinitarians and the English consul,…
Letter from Lorence, vicar apostolic, to PF. Last September Lorence sent two priests away. One of them is member of the Trinitarian order, and is named Gioan Antonio Vello. He had been the administrator of the hospital for nine years. At the end of…
Petition on behalf of several priests of Calvaire, Bétharram, in the diocese of Lescar, requesting permission to establish a congregation of 24 priests under the title of the Blessed Virgin of the Mount Calvary. 15 years ago a miraculous image of the…
Cardinal Spada informs PF that the archbishop of Paris is heir (but not beneficiary) of the late Cardinal de Retz, and that he could perhaps be "lured" to pay the fee for his late brother's cardinal ring (which had not been paid) by way of a brief…
Cardinal Spada informs PF that his efforts with the archbishop of Paris (regarding the cardinal ring fee issue) had the same effect as those of the former nuncio to France, Cardinal Bentivoglio. Spada says that details about the latter are attached,…
The new nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, lets PF know that the solution suggested by PF in a letter from 20 May 1627, namely to collect the fee for the ring of late Cardinal de Retz via litigation with the owners of his goods,…
François Veron's reply to PF's response regarding his proposal to establish a Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in France; he also wants to send a book he wrote on the method of disputing against heretics.
Summary of petition submitted by Philippe-Emmanuel de Gondi, count of Joigny, general of Triremes, requesting PF to grant the Capuchins the license to hear confessions on the land of Joigny, because the inhabitants of the land are ignorant of…
Letters from François Veron relating news on heretics in France and requesting the support of PF for his congregation. The note indicates that PF was going to advise Veron to start by approaching the nuncio for support, and that the nuncio's approval…
The nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, writes to Cardinal Ludovisi about various matters; among which is the "cardinalizio" (cardinal ring fee) of Cardinal de Retz, which the archbishop of Paris had promised to pay the previous…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, to Cardinal Ludovisi accompanying the first CM petition asking for approval of the congregation by PF in 1628. The nuncio strongly recommends the CM missionaries and their…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, accompanying two letters from King Louis XIII recommending CM to Pope Urban VIII and to the French ambassador to the Apostolic See, the count of Béthune. The nuncio's letter serves…
Second petition on behalf of CM requesting approval in 1628; it repeats the demands of the first petition and adds two new clauses (singled out in the PF notes on 62r). The additions underline that: a) the priests would do their work free of charge;…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, to Cardinal Ludovisi, accompanying the second 1628 petition for the approval of CM. The nuncio reiterates his support for CM, and defers to Cardinal Ludovisi the decision about the…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, to PF Secretary Ingoli accompanying: a) a letter from the reigning queen (Anna of Austria) recommending CM to French Ambassador de Béthune; b) the second petition in 1628 for PF…
The nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, lets Secretary Ingoli know that he would be disappointed if the matter of CM would not amount to a successful conclusion. He asks that PF at least send a "handful of articles" for these good…
Petition on behalf of Brother Léonard. Faculties requested by the provincial of the Capuchins from the Paris province, so that their mission in that province may continue with good results, according to the suggestions of the nuncio to France. The…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul and the first CM missionaries to Pope Urban VIII for the establishment of their congregation; a note on 52v shows that the request was presented by Cardinal Bentivoglio in the PF general meeting of 22 August…
Petition asking the pope to confirm the establishment of the Congregation of Priests and Missionaries of the Clergy (Congregatio Parochorum et Missionariorum Cleri), and the election of Christophe Authier as its director. Attached is a copy of…
Letter from Father Hyacinth to PF in which he asks for "communication... of all the typesets and books in foreign languages [possessed by PF], and.. the matrixes of certain typesets, which do not exist in France, assuring that he will do the same…
Petition on behalf of Capuchin Father Hyacinth, requesting PF's confirmation of the "Company of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross," which he had established in Paris with the approval of the archbishop of Paris, with the main goal of converting…
Series of letters from members of CEC to Father Hyacinth, who was in Rome at that time, trying to get CEC approved by the pope. The letters were presented to Cardinal Honuphrius in PF general meeting of 12 July 1633. See attached file for an extended…
Two reports on the activities of CEC, most likely written by Father Hyacinth. The first report lists 30 cases of conversion and is dated 2 March 1635; the second gives additional examples of CEC activities and results thereof, and is dated 20 March.
Letter containing a copy of King Louis XIII's approval of CEC and its right to make use of the pope's confirmation brief, which had been sent on 5 June 1634. The document itself is an Italian translation of a letter from the king’s councillor and…
Report on the "state of missions in the Province of Paris," with no particulars given (seems to refer to the Capuchins). Classification of types of missions. Folded inside the first folio there is another folio (same paper, same handwriting) on the…
'Report on the progress of Christophe Authier and his companions in France'. Detailed reports of the two missions mentioned in the previous letter (on f. 345r, 346v (database item 67), as well as six others. On f. 386r there is a testimony by the…
The bishop of Vaison informs PF about the "spiritual progress and great results" of the "secular priests associated in a congregation called of the Missionaries, which is very useful to the Church, both for the conversion of heretics, and for the…