The general of the triremes (Philippe-Emmanuel de Gondi) asks Cardinal Spada to obtain a brief from the pope ordering the superior of the Capuchins of Provence to send thirteen priests "to instruct, hear confessions and teach the catechism to the…
Summary of petition submitted by Philippe-Emmanuel de Gondi, count of Joigny, general of Triremes, requesting PF to grant the Capuchins the license to hear confessions on the land of Joigny, because the inhabitants of the land are ignorant of…
Petition filed on behalf of Vincent de Paul, requesting that he be granted unspecified "reformed faculties for France," with the capacity to transmit faculties to further members of CM, after having those individuals approved by theologians adjoined…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul to send CM missionaries to Salé. It mentions that the consul of Salé had for many years solicited Vincent de Paul for the matter, and that only now has he (Vincent de Paul) found it possible to respond to this…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul to PF, which asks for missionary faculties for three priests of CM, to help assist Dermot Duiguin, who is working in the Scottish Highlands and the Hebrides. The priests are: Gerard Brin, Thomas Lumsden and John…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul requesting permission to send three additional missionaries to Madagascar, namely: Claude Dufour, Nicolas Prevost, and François Feydin, seeing that a ship is ready to leave for the island. Vincent de Paul also…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul to the pope [Alexander VII], asking to extend to the whole of CM, the faculties that were orginally granted to the house in Rome (in regards to the absolution of reserved cases). PF notes on f. 282v indicate the…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul, requesting faculties for two more priests that he would like to send to Madagascar on a ship that is scheduled to leave soon (this spring). The priests' names are François Herbron and François Boussordec.
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul to PF, in which he reports that the last ship going to Madagasca has been put to sea, and that one of the four missionaries destined for the Madagascar mission could not make the trip. Vincent de Paul replaced…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul asking to appoint Toussaint Bourdaise, as the new prefect of the Madagascar mission, following the death of the previous prefect, Charles Nacquart. The petition mentions that Bourdaise had already been declared…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF. He explains that after many obstacles which have impeded CM to send other missionaries to Madagascar, a ship will depart towards the end of December. Since the previous prefect is deceased, Alméras asks that…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras asking PF to approve the dispatch of more missionaries to the island of Madagascar, on account of the "copious spiritual harvest" to be had there. He mentions that those already approved by PF had not left yet, due…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, superior general of CM, asking PF to approve the dispatch of one additional missionary to Madagascar, namely Giacomo Francesco Frachey [Jacob Francois Frachey]; Frachey, a priest from Savoy is not a member of CM,…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras asking for missionary faculties for seven new missionaries for Madagascar: Pierre Cabel, Charles Boussordec, Jacob Le Cointe, Louis Bourot, Pierre Grissard, Sebastien Maquet, and Charles Le Gay. Although no news has…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF, mentioning the six missionaries who had been recently accepted by PF for the island of Madagascar. The petition mentions that the ships have not yet set sail. Taking advantage of the delay, Alméras would like…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, requesting missionary status for François Brision, member of CM, so that he can serve the mission of Madagascar with the other CM missionaries. PF meeting of 9 November 1665 agrees with the request, and orders that…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, requesting missionary status for Guiglielmo [Guillaume] Bonable, priest of the diocese of St. Malò in France, in order for him to serve the mission of Madagascar, together with the group of missionaries who are…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, requesting to add another missionary to the group preparing to leave for Madagascar (see database item 285), considering that the ships have not yet set sail. The name of the priest is Giacomo [Jacques] Bruchan,…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF, asking for the appointment of Jean Jourdie, Gaspar Gonon, Martin Ignace Roguet, Egidio [Gilles] Le Merer, Dionisio [Denis] Le Cornier, Filibert Fardel, Charles Le Roy, Gasparo Stella (all priests of the CM),…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras. Alméras writes that there are not enough priests left in Madagasca since Nicolas Etienne, the previous prefect, has been killed, another missionary has left the island and a third has drowned. He therefore asks for…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF, in which he asks for the appointment of Marin Ignace Roguet as prefect for the Madagascar mission, since the two previous prefects Nicolas Etienne and Michel Maniè have since both died. He also asks for the…