Unsigned and undated letter asking PF Secretary Ingoli to write a letter to Julien Guérin letting him know that: a) for the Salé mission, two Recollects from Paris have been nominated; and b) he should attend to the business of ransoming the…
Letter from the regent queen of France (Anne of Austria) and King Louis XIV to the French consul in Salé, requesting that he lend support to the Recollect missionaries sent there.
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul to send CM missionaries to Salé. It mentions that the consul of Salé had for many years solicited Vincent de Paul for the matter, and that only now has he (Vincent de Paul) found it possible to respond to this…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 15 January 1652 discussing among other issues, a petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul to send CM missionaries to Salé; the consul of Salé has frequently solicited Vincent de Paul for the matter. The cardinals decide…
Letter from Vincent de Paul expressing reservation to send missionaries to Salé because of the Recollects' wish to be reestablished in this mission; joined to an introduction letter from the nuncio to France.
Minutes of PF general meeting of 6 May 1652 discussing among other issues, a letter by the nuncio to France in which he reports Vincent de Paul's request to start a mission in Salé. The cardinals agree to the request, and to give Vincent de Paul the…
Letter from PF to Jean Le Vacher. The letter is in response to a letter that Gio' Levacher [Jean Le Vacher] previously sent to PF, asking for a priest for the slaves of Tetouan, Salé and the other cities of the Dey Stafilet. PF gives him permission…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers, to PF. He asks: a) that PF either send missionaries to Tetouan, Salé, Fez, and Morocco, or give him the faculties to do so; and b) whether as vicar apostolic of Algiers and Tunis, or…
Letter from Gio' Le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] to PF. From the letter that PF has sent to him, Le Vacher understood that PF has been very surprised that he already paid Marcello Costa (who is going to be a missionary in Bizerte), the 30 scudi that was…
Letter from Francesco Gatta to PF. Gatta has informed PF as well as Gio' Levascer [Jean Le Vacher] the vicar apostolic in Algiers, about the most important matters of the mission in Tunis. Le Vacher released Gatta from his side to go to Tunis. Some…
Letter from Girolamo Da CastelVerrano to an unknown person. In Tripoli, a missionary arrived with excellent behavior. The missionary Father with the orders of Da CastelVerrano, has not yet arrived; he is asking for them to be sent again. Tripoli has…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 6 September 1683 discussing among other issues, a letter from the prefect of the Tripoli mission. He writes that he left the mission out of fear that the Turks would do to him what they did to Jean Le Vacher, (Le…