Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, enclosing a decree regarding CM (the text of the decree itself was not filed in this volume) and asking for more information on Vincent de Paul's congregation, as detailed in…
French notarized copy collating two earlier documents: a) the CM foundation act (17 April 1625); and b) its approval by the archbishop of Paris (24 April 1626). The collation was sent to PF with the aim of having CM approved as a mission in 1627.
Latin translation of a notarized compilation of two earlier documents in French, namely the CM foundation act (17 April 1625) and its approval by the archbishop of Paris (24 April 1626). The French notarized version (dated 12 August 1627) was sent to…
Minutes of PF general meeting approving the establishement of CM as a "mission" (after having rejected two petitions requesting the approval of its establishment as a "congregation").
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, to Cardinal Ludovisi accompanying the first CM petition asking for approval of the congregation by PF in 1628. The nuncio strongly recommends the CM missionaries and their…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, accompanying two letters from King Louis XIII recommending CM to Pope Urban VIII and to the French ambassador to the Apostolic See, the count of Béthune. The nuncio's letter serves…
Second petition on behalf of CM requesting approval in 1628; it repeats the demands of the first petition and adds two new clauses (singled out in the PF notes on 62r). The additions underline that: a) the priests would do their work free of charge;…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, to Cardinal Ludovisi, accompanying the second 1628 petition for the approval of CM. The nuncio reiterates his support for CM, and defers to Cardinal Ludovisi the decision about the…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, to PF Secretary Ingoli accompanying: a) a letter from the reigning queen (Anna of Austria) recommending CM to French Ambassador de Béthune; b) the second petition in 1628 for PF…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, in Paris, informing him of the cardinals' decision to reject the (second) CM petition of that year, which had requested PF to confirm the establishment of CM as a congregation…
The nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, lets Secretary Ingoli know that he would be disappointed if the matter of CM would not amount to a successful conclusion. He asks that PF at least send a "handful of articles" for these good…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, in Paris, letting him know that the cardinals have already decided on the matter of CM, as already announced in the letter written on 1 September 1628.
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul and the first CM missionaries to Pope Urban VIII for the establishment of their congregation; a note on 52v shows that the request was presented by Cardinal Bentivoglio in the PF general meeting of 22 August…
Summary of Vincent de Paul's petition for approval of CM, with PF Secretary Ingoli's (unfavorable) opinion on the matter; Cardinal Bentivoglio was charged to present the matter in the PF general meeting of 22 August 1628.
Minutes of PF general meeting discussing a new petition by Vincent de Paul requesting indefinite faculties for CM. PF decides to write to the nuncio to France, requesting information on the progress and usefulness of CM, considering that PF does not…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Ranuccio Scotti, regarding CM petition for "reformed faculties for France" (filed in 1640), asking for information about the usefulness and progress of CM, and the nuncio's opinion about their request.
Petition filed on behalf of Vincent de Paul, requesting that he be granted unspecified "reformed faculties for France," with the capacity to transmit faculties to further members of CM, after having those individuals approved by theologians adjoined…
Petition for permission that CM priests may grant plenary indulgence to those who make general or particular confession, as well as indulgence for ten years to those who listen to their exhortations. The petition also requests that CM members receive…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 31 May 1650 discussing among other issues, a petition sent on behalf of Vincent de Paul asking if he can send other missionaries to replace CM priests who died of the plague. The cardinals agreed to appoint Philippe…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 9 August 1650 discussing among other issues, the petition by Jean Le Vacher, who asks to be declared vicar apostolic in Tunis. PF answers that he should write to the archbishop of Carthage, asking to be appointed…
Petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul, in which he asks that Philippe Le Vacher be granted faculties for the mission in Algiers. He also requests that Le Vacher receive more authority in order to remedy the disorders among the slave priests. The…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, missionary in Tunis to PF. He writes that by a decree of 22 June 1648 he was appointed vicar general of Monsignor Costaguti, the archbishop of Carthage. Yet on that decree instead of "Giovanni," "Philippo" was…
Petition on behalf of Philippe Le Vacher, missionary in Algiers to PF. He asks that PF send a letter to Monsignor Costaguti, Archbishop of Carthage, requesting the archbishop to appoint Philippe Le Vacher (or another candidate) as vicar general of…
Petition on behalf of Philippe Le Vacher to PF. He asks to be appointed vicar apostolic of Algiers, in order to be able to remedy the current disorders among the slave priests in the city. The petition was discussed in a general meeting of the…