Petition on behalf of Gio' Guerino [Julien Guérin] priest of CM and missionary in Tunis, to PF. He asks for the missionary faculties that he still has not received. Underneath the text of the petition the superior of CM in Rome, Joannes Dorineus…
Petition on behalf of Gio' Guerino [Julien Guérin] priest of CM and missionary in Tunis, to PF. He asks for the missionary faculties which he still has not received. He needs them to absolve many cases and to bless the things that he needs for mass.…
Petition on behalf of Giacinto Guerin [Julien Guérin], a French Recollect on the Barbary Coast, in which he asks for a companion since he finds it inconvenient to travel alone over long distances alone.
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, missionary in Tunis to PF. He writes that by a decree of 22 June 1648 he was appointed vicar general of Monsignor Costaguti, the archbishop of Carthage. Yet on that decree instead of "Giovanni," "Philippo" was…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis to PF. He asks for advice on two matters: a) whether he may allow slave priests who cannot show their certificate of priesthood to say mass, as long as they themselves (or others) swear…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis to PF. He asks that his mission be extended to Tripoli, as had been the case for his predecessor Julien Guérin. Le Vacher wants to be able to visit Tripoli, since currently there are many…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis, to PF. He asks for three things: a) a new decree that clearly states that all members of religious orders (whether free or slaves), fall under his authority, and that he recieves the…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis, to PF. He writes that there are many slaves in Tunis, but too few priests, meaning that not all slaves can easily attend mass (as they used to). Therefore he asks for the faculty that…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis, to PF asking for the renewal of his faculties of apostolic missionary, granted to him by a decree of 22 June 1648.
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis, asking that PF cardinals see to remedy the problem of many slaves in Tunis never having received the sacrament of confirmation. Without confirmation, many are in danger of renegading.
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis to PF. He writes that the [Muslim] slaves in Civitavecchia have sent their complaints to the ruler of Tunis, stating that the land they had bought to bury their dead, has been taken from…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis to PF. He asks for the faculties that allow him to consecrate chalices and altar stones.
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis, in which he asks for plenary indulgences for the feasts of the patron saints of the chapels in the bagnos of Tunis and Bizerte. Monsignor refuses to send them in two packages as was done…
Petition on behalf of Philippe Le Vacher, apostolic vicar in Algiers, to PF. According to Philippe Le Vacher, a number of religious persons cause much scandal in Algiers, by refusing to obey him and obstructing him in his task. Therefore he asks for…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher to PF. He explains that Giuseppe Guevara and Serafino and Vincenzo Piccinini, all from Malta, have left with 1,000 pezze, which they received from the governor of Tunis in order to ransom a slave. Since they did…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher to PF asking for the renewal of his faculties of vicar general of Tunis since they are about to expire. At PF general meeting of 22 September 1664 the cardinals approve the request.
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher in which he asks that his faculties include all the privileges that he held in the past. In 1652 he had been given the authority to give apostolic missionary faculties to priests who had not been approved by PF;…
Petition on behalf of Girolamo Da Sassari to PF, in which he asks to be given a more ample faculty to handle money (as a Capuchin, he is bound to the vow of poverty), so that he can govern the mission without scruples. He also asks to be given the…