Biographical Dictionary (full list)
This dictionary is based on information contained in our database as well as the following titles:
- Coste, Pierre, ed. Saint Vincent de Paul: correspondance, entretiens, documents. 16 vols. Paris, 1920-25.
- Galibert, Nivoelisoa, ed. Á l’angle de la grande mission. Les lazaristes de Madagascar: correspondance avec Vincent De Paul (1648-1661). Paris, 2007.
Please note that this list is periodically updated.
Alaba, Ferdinando Di. Trinitarian procurator of Castile, Leon and Navarra.
Alberizzi (or Alberici), Mario(29 December 1609, Salve – 29 September 1680). Secretary of PF from 7 May 1657 to 31 August 1664. Created cardinal in 1675.
Albizi, Francesco(24 October 1593, Cesena – 5 October 1684, Rome). Pro-secretary of PF from 24 April 1649 (death of Francesco Ingoli) to 30 August 1649 (when the new secretary Dionisio Massari was appointed).
Alméras, René (5 February 1613, Paris – 2 September 1672). Superior general of CM from 1661 until his death. Councilor in the Grand Conseil of France before joining CM on 24 December 1637. Sent on visits to CM houses in France and Italy in 1646. Superior of the CM house in Rome in 1647-1651; visitations throughout France. From 1653 to 1661 he was assistant at the CM motherhouse in Paris.
Altieri, Paluzio (8 June 1623, Rome – 29 June 1698, Rome). Prefect of PF from 17 August 1671 until his death.
Ambrozin, Jean.French consul in Tunis from ca. 1666. Was Jean le Vacher’s adversary and successor as consul of Tunis.
Arnoul, Marando Ignatio (or Marant Ignace). Member of CM. Proposed by Vincent de Paul for the Madagascar mission in 1657 and accepted by PF in the same year.
Authier de Sisgau,Christophe de (6 April 1609, Marseilles – 17 September 1667). Founder of the Congregation of Priests and Missionaries of the Clergy (Congregation des Clercs de la Mission), which was often confused with CM because of the similarity between their names. Subsequently Authier’s congregation adopted the name “Congrégation du St-Sacrement pour la diréction des Missions et des Séminaires,” aka “Prêtres missionaires de la Congrégation du St-Sacrement.” Authier was ordained in 1633. He approached Vincent de Paul with the suggestion to unite his congregation with CM, but his proposal was not successful. Relations between the two became rather tense thereafter.
Baldeschi (or Ubaldi),Federico (2 September 1625, Perugia – 4 October 1691). Secretary of PF from 7 May 1668 to 20 March 1673. In 1665 he was elected titular archbishop of Caesarea (in today’s Israel). From 1665 to 1668 he was papal nuncio in Switzerland. In 1673 he was appointed assessor of the Holy Office.
Ballantyne(or Ballenden),William (1616-1661). Missionary in Scotland from 1650. Prefect of the Scottish mission from 1653, when the Scottish clergy was incorporated into a missionary body by a PF decree; he fulfilled that function until 1661. He was born of Protestant parents and educated in Edinburgh. Converted to Catholicism during a stay in Paris.
Bandini, Ottavio (25 October 1558, Florence – 1 august 1629, Rome). Cardinal from 1596.
Barberini, Antonio Jr. (5 August 1607 – 11 August 1671).Prefect of the PF from 22 November 1632 to 11 August 1671. He went into exile in France in September 1645 after he got accused of financial mismanagement. His property in Rome was consequently confiscated. He returned to Rome after Pope Innocent X and Cardinal Mazarin negotiated peace and Barberini was pardoned by the pope in July 1653. During his exile, his PF tasks were covered by Luigi Capponi as vice prefect. He was known as “Cardinal Antonio,” in order to avoid confusions with other members of the Barberini family.
Barberini, Antonio Sr. (18 November 1569 – 11 September 1646). Cardinal from 1624 and vice prefect of PF from 1632 to 1645. Not to be confused with his namesake and nephew, Antonio Barberini Jr. (see above). Antonio Barberini Sr. was known as “Cardinal of St. Onofrio” to distinguish him from his family members. When his nephew (Antonio Barberini Jr.) was appointed PF prefect in 1632, Antonio Barberini Sr. was nominated vice prefect. In theory, Antonio Barberini Sr. was supposed to replace his nephew when he went in exile. The PF cardinals, however, decided to replace them both with Luigi Capponi, who became vice prefect instead, with the pope’s approval.
Barberini, Carlo (1 June 1630 – 10 October 1704). Prefect of PF from 17 June 1698 until his death. He signed with “Cardinal Carlo” to distinguish him from his other family members.
Barberini, Francesco (1597-1697). Legate a latere(papal legate of the highest rank, with full diplomatic powers) in France. He signed as “Cardinal Barberini” while his family members used other names to distinguish themselves from one another.
Barclay, Robert. Superior of the Scottish College in Paris in 1653. He was also procurator of the Scottish mission in Paris.
Bargellini, Pietro.Nuncio to France from February 1668 to July 1671. Archbishop in partibusof Thebe.
Barreau, Jean (26 September 1612, St-Jean-en-Grève parish, Paris – 7 April 1679?). Procurator at St-Lazare from 1662/1663 until his death. Before CM he had taken a simple vow of religion with the Cistercians. He began CM’s internal seminar in May 1645; in 1646 he was sent to Algiers as consul. He took vows for CM unofficially in May 1648. He then requested dispensation from his Cistercian vows in 1652 and took the CM vows again, this time officially, on 1 November 1661.
Bausset, Nicolas de. Civil and criminal royal officer in the city of Marseilles. When Antonio Di Seravezza arrived in that city, he made an official statement that was registered under the supervision of de Bausset.
Bécu, Jean (24 April 1592, Braches, Somme – 19 January 1667). Joined CM in September 1626. Superior of the CM Toul house from 1642 to 1646 and of the Paris one from 1646 to 1667. He witnessed Vincent de Paul’s death.
BelleVille, Maturin de.Proposed by Vincent de Paul as missionary to Madagascar in 1655.
Bentivoglio d'Aragona, Guido (4 October 1579, Ferrara – 7 September 1644). Nuncio to France from 8 September 1616 to 11 January 1621. Created cardinal in 1621.
Bérthe, Thomas(ca. 1622, Donchéry, Ardennes – 1697). Secretary of CM in 1660 and assistant superior general of CM from 1661 to 1667. Entered CM around November 1640. Superior of the house in Rome between 1653 and 1655. Proposed by Vincent de Paul for a mission in Lebanon (which never materialized). He and René Alméras were Vincent de Paul’s favored successors. Later he clashed with Edme Jolly.
Bianchelli, Gregorio. A secular slave priest in Tunis.
Bichi, Alessandro (1596-1657). Nuncio to France from September 1630 to March 1634. Bishop of Carpentras. Created cardinal in 1633.
Bissain, François. Proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1650.
Blackall (or Blaccallo). Scottish priest who offered to go to the Scottish mission in 1665. At that time he was already old and had already been part of the Scottish mission several times.
Blampignon. Priest from Nevers, proposed by Vincent de Paul in 1647 to become coadjutor of Babylon.
Bolognetti, Giorgio. Nuncio to France from March 1634 to August 1639. Bishop of Ascoli Satriano until 1639, then bishop of Rieti.
Bonable, Guillaume. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665. He waspriest of the diocese of St. Malò in France.
Bonis, Giovanni Battista de. Offered to go the mission in Algiers, or somewhere else on the Barbary Coast, in 1675.
Borough (or Borgo), John. Irish priest who in 1661 asked for missionary faculties for the mission of Scotland.
Bourdaise, Toussaint (1618, Blois, Loir-et-Cher – 25 June 1657, Madagascar?). Missionary to Madagascar from February 1654 until his death. Entered the CM internal seminar in Paris in October 1645. Took his vows in October 1647.
Bourlon, Charles de (1613 – 1685). Bishop of Soissons between 1656 and 1685.
Bourot, Louis (d. 1668, Madagascar). Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1664; confirmed as missionary in 1668.
Boussordec, Charles. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1664.
Boussordec, François. Missionary in Madagascar. Accepted as missionary by PF in 1656. Our sources place him in Madagascar from 1659 (possibly earlier).
Bouthillier, Claude (1581 – 1652). Councilor of state and secretary to the queen-mother, Marie de Medici. He became secretary of state in 1528.
Brescia, Filippo. A doctor in law from Trepani in Sicily. At some point he went to Tunis in order to convert to Islam. There he was found by Luigi Da Palermo who convinced him to reconvert to Christianity.
Brin, Gerard(b. ca. 1618, Cashel, Ireland). Entered CM in October 1639 and worked in various CM houses. Proposed by Vincent de Paul for the mission to the Hebrides in 1653. Tried to visit the Scottish mission in 1656, but was stopped in London and returned to France.
Brision, François.CM priest, proposed by René Alméras for the Madagacars mission in 1665.
Bruce, John. Requested missionary faculties for Scotland but was not a CM priest. Studied in Rome and worked as chaplain in a Scottish regiment in France.
Bruchan, Jacques. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665. Probably not a CM member.
Brunet, Jean-Joseph (1597, Riom, Auvergne – 6 Augustus 1649, Marseilles). CM missionary in Bordelais. Joined CM in 1627. Resided first in Notre-Dame de La Rose, then in Alet; went thereafter to Rome, Genoa and Marseilles.
Burnet, Alexander. Missionary to Scotland from December 1668. In 1671 he was officially confirmed as missionary.
Burnet, David.Missionary to Scotland. First mentioned in our records in 1671, but he probably went to Scotland before that date. In 1675 he received permission from PF to leave the Scottish mission and work for the Scottish college in Paris. Around 1671 he was effectively prefect of the Scottish mission for a while, left in this position by John Walker who left for Italy to recover from paralysis
Cabel, Pierre (ca. 1617, Chézery, Ain – 26 September 1688). Proposed for the mission in Madagascar in 1664. Entered CM in Annecy in January 1643. Superior in Sedan in 1657-1663 and St-Méen in 1670-1671. Took part in the general assembly that appointed Alméras superior general.
Calaman, Luigi. A merchant based in Marseilles who helped Antonio Di Seravezza.
Calendino, Antonio. An Augustinian priest from in or around Cosenza, Calabria. He was a slave priest in Tunis where he was said to have been the cause of some trouble.
Canto, Pasquale. Prefect of the Recollect mission on the Barbary Coast.
Capponi, Luigi (1582 – 1659). Vice prefect of PF from 27 October 1645 until his death. In the absence of the prefect, Antonio Barberini Jr., who was in exile from 1645 to 1653, he acted as prefect at the request of the PF cardinals and with the approval of Innocent X, even though Antonio Barberini Sr. was the official vice prefect at that time. Created cardinal in 1608.
Casanata, Girolamo (1620 – 1700). Secretary of PF from 20 December 1666 to April 1668. Created cardinal in 1673.
Cerri, Urbano (d. August 1679). Pro-secretary of PF from 20 March 1673 to 20 November 1673 and later, from November 1675 until his death Secretary of PF.
Chemin, Placido de. Appointed coadjuctor to the bischop of the Babylon.
Cibo, Odoardo (6 December 1619, Genua – 6 April 1705, Massa). Secretary of PF from January 1680 to August 1695. Archbishop of Seleucia and Patriarch of Constantinople.
Coglée, Marc(b. 25 April 1614, Carrick-on-Suir). Member of CM since 24 July 1643. Induced to remain in CM by Gerard Brin. Superior in Sedan, Annecy and St-Lazare.
Con (or Coneo), Patrick. Procurator of the Scottish mission and the intendent of the nuncio to Paris, Francesco Nerli, 1672-1673.
Corsi, Domenico. Pro-secretary of PF from September 1679 to December 1679.
Corsini, Ottavio (12 August 1588 – 30 July 1641). Nuncio to France from 4 April 1621 to December 1623. Bishop of Tarso from 1621.
Costa, Marcello (d. ca. 1679). Missionary to Tunis from 1671 and later from 1673 to Bizerte. He was not a member of CM.
Costaguti, Scipio. Archbischop and Vicar Apostolic of Tunis.
Crichton,James (d. ca. 1661).Scottish missionary in the western parts of Scotland. First mentioned in our records in 1653, but he might have been active before that date. He was not a member of CM.
Cuvron (or Cuveron), Maximilien François. Missionary to Madagascar, proposed for this mission by René Alméras in 1662. He arrived at the mission at 26 August 1665. Proposed as vice-prefect for the same mission in 1666.
Da Bologna, Giuseppe Maria. Capuchin appointed by Jean le Vacher as pro-vicar of Algiers in 1678. He was still in Algiers in 1683.
Da CastelVerrano, Girolamo. Prefect Apostolic in Tripoli around 1681.
Da Frascati, Vincenzo. Capuchin missionary on the Barbary Coast, sent to Tunis in 1673, where he arrived in 1674. In 1680 he was in Algiers.
Da Frascati, Cherubino. A companion of the missionaries in Tunis. Because there was a great abundance of priests, they asked him to return.
Da Genoa, Antonio. Capuchin priest active in Algiers around the period 1648-1653
Da Genoa, Giuseppe Maria(d. 1648). Prefect of the Capuchin mission in Tabarca from 1647 (possibly earlier) until his death.
Da Genova (or Da Genua), Grisostomo. Cappuchin priest active in Barbary. Apostolic pro-vicar of Algiers until 1678. In 1683 he was pro-vicar in Bizerte.
D’Ancona, Carlo. Capuchin priest in Tunis from 1674. Not a member of CM.
Delustria, Filippo (or Agha Mamet Goggia/Cogga) slave owner in Tunis around 1670.
Da Palermo, Luigi. Capuchin monk and apostolic pro-vicar of Tunis from 1671. In 1670, Jean Le Vacher ransomed him and appointed him missionary in Tunis. In exchange for his freedom, Da Palermo promised to stay at least three years in Tunis, but he left a few months later. Our database contains many letters referring to the controversy between him and Le Vacher.
Da Randazio, Giovanni. Franciscan missionary and prefect of the mission on the Barbary Coast from 1671 to 1680. Before he became a prefect, he had worked as a missionary for the same mission for two years. In 1680, on leaving the mission, he asked PF for the usual privileges that were due to him for his service of nine years.
De Rossi, Agostino.Slave priest in Algiers.Our records locate him in the Bagno of S. Croce in the year 1669.
Deschamps, Edmond. Proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1650.
Da Sassari, Girolamo(d. 1671, Sardinia). Vice prefect in Tunis from 1666. In 1668 he protested against the appointment of Jean le Vacher as vicar apostolic in Algiers (with jurisdiction over Tunis). In September 1668 he left the mission in Tunis, expelled by Consul Jean Ambrozin. His missionary patents were revoked in 1670 because PF judged him unsuitable for the mission.
David, Jean. Proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1650.
Da Serrano, Bartolomeo. Trinitarian monk working in Algiers in a hospital of his order. In 1672, PF ordered the superior of the Trinitarians to recall Da Serrano from the mission because he did not submit himself to the authority of the apostolic vicar, Jean le Vacher.
Daveroult, Pierre (b. 20 January 1616, Béthune, Pars-de-Calais). Entered CM in April 1653 and took his vows in January 1656. Ordained in 1638. Embarked twice for the Madagascar mission but never made it there.
De’ Vittori, Carlo Roberti.Apostolic Nuncio to France from 26 April 1664 to April 1667. Titular Archbishop of Tarsus.
Dehorgny(or d’Horgny), Jean (2 November 1599, Estrées-Saint-Denis, Oise – 7 July 1667). Superior of the Rome from 1644 to 1647. Vincent de Paul's assistant from 1642 to 1644 and from 1654 to 1660 and Alméras’s assistant to 1667. He entered CM in August 1627 and was ordained in April 1628. He was sympathetic to Jansenism.
Della Vergine Maria, Cherubino. A French Discalced Augustinian who converted to Islam. When he wanted to reconvert to Catholicism and to leave Algiers he asks the help of PF.
D’Espinosa, Antonio. Superior of the Trinitarians in Algiers around 1689.
De Suarès, Joseph Marie (1599 – 1677). Bishop of Vaison-la-Romain from 1633 to 1666.
Dieppe Jean (ca. 1617, Cancale, Ille-et-Vilaine – 2 May 1649, Algiers). Received into CM in August 1647. Left Paris for Algiers on 22 December 1648, to replace Lesage as missionary who had died. Very soon he died of the plague himself.
Di San Michele, Alberto.Discalced Carmelite who prefect of the mission to Madagascar from 1647 to 1652. He declared that he was unable to provide any service to PF in 1652, after which he left Paris without any license or order from his superior.
Di Santa Teresa, Giacomo. Discalded Carmelite andPrefect in Rome of the mission in Madagascar around the year 1649.
Di Seravezza, Antonio.Minor Observant working in Tunis without the consent of PF. He came to Tunis when Girolamo Da Sassari was still the apostolic vicar. When Da Sassari had to leave Tunis because he had come into conflict with the French consul, Jean Ambrozin, he appointed Di Seravezza in his place. Eventually, Di Seravezza came into conflict with the consul himself and was forced to leave Tunis on 4 August 1669.
Dubourdieu, Jean-Armand. CM priest andFrench consul in Algiers (from? 1661). He was accompanied by Philippe Le Vacher.
Duchesne, René (b. August 1607, Saint-Juire-Champgillon, Vendée). Slave in Algiers for twelve years, after which he became Barreau’s secretary in the mission. He entered CM in Richelieu in February 1652 as coadjutor brother; took his vows in November 1658.
Du Coudray,François (1586, Amiens - February 1649, Richelieu). A member of CM. Joined in March 1626 and was ordained in September 1618. Studied at Sorbonne. He was sent to Rome to obtain papal approval for CM.
Dufour,Claude (1618, Allanche, Cantal – 18 August 1656, Madagascar). CM missionary in Madagascar from 1656. He entered CM in May 1644, shortly after his ordination. He wished to enter the Carthusians but Vincent de Paul advised against it. He was superior of the CM house in La Rose from 1654 to 1655 after which he left for Madagascar. He was proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1550.
Duiguin (or Duggan),Dermot (1620, Ireland – 17 May 1657, Scotland). Missionary to Scotland from 1650. He entered CM in August 1645 and also went to France and Ireland.
Dunbar, Nicolo. Missionary in the Scottisch mission around the year 1672. He worked in the remote mountain areas of Scotland and was also once proposed to become the new teacher in the school.
Duport, Nicolas. Proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1650.
Du Saint-Esprit, Michel. Proposed by the bishop of Babylon as coadjutor for the bishopric. He was a Carmelite monk.
Duval, André(15 January 1564, Pontoise – 9 September 1638, Paris). Vincent de Paul's friend and mentor. He was also uncle to Jean and Philippe Le Vacher.
Duval, Jean (religious name Bernard de Sainte Thérèse).Discalced Carmelite. Nominated for the Bishopric of Babylon but never occupied his see.
Etienne, Nicolas (17 December 1634 - 27 February 1664, Madagascar). Prefect of the mission in Madagascar from 1663 to 1664. He took his vows in August 1655. Early in 1659 there was a plan to send him to Madagascar. His first attempt to reach the island in 1660 failed. Eventually he arrived in Madagascar on 29 September 1663. He died in 1664, murdered by the natives.
Fardel, Filibert. CM missionary, proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665.
Féret,Hippolyte (b.Pointoise, Val-d'Oise). Proposed as coadjutor for the bishopric of Babylon by Vincent de Paul.
Feydin, François (25 May 1620, Allanche). Missionary to Madagascar and a member of CM. He was proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1655 by Vincent de Paul. He went with the mission of 18 January 1650, that failed at Cape of Good Hope and he eventually died in France.
Forest,René(b. ca. 1617, Boussay, Loire-Maritime). Missionary in Madagascar in 1654. Entered CM in October 1650.
Frachey,Jacob François. Proposed for the Madagascar mission by René Almeras. Priest from Savoy and not a member of CM. In 1662 he went to Madagascar.
Francillon,François (b. January 1621, Céaux, Vienne). Entered CM in April 1645. He accompanied Julien Guérin to Tunis, then returned to France. Later he went to Algiers and on 6 July 1688 he was tied to a canon and executed.
Frasero, Francesco (or Francis Fraser). Mentioned as the author of a 1670 report on the Hebrides.
Galasso, Giovanni Domenico. Appointed missionary to Tunis in 1677. He was not a member of CM.
Gallais (or Calais), Pierre. Member of CM and head of a mission of twelve CM priests to Sedan. In 1644 he requested the faculties of prefect of the Sedan mission.
Garbi, Gian Battista, A slave in Algiers.
Gatta, Francesco.Missionary on the Barbary Coast around 1673-1677. Tried to obtain the postition of vicar apostolic after Jean le Vacher’s death in 1684.
Giannola, Giuseppe.Vicar apostolic of Algiers in 1689. He had previously been a missionary in Bizerte.
Giguel, Jean Gicquel (b. 24 December 1617, Miniac, Ille-et-Vilaine). Member of CM; appointed to the Madagascar mission in 1655. He was ordained at Lent 1642. He entered CM in August 1647 and took his vows in May 1651. He was superior of several CM houses.
Gilles, Jean-Baptiste(d. 22 August 1652, Crécy). Became a member of CM in November 1642 and took his vows in October 1645. In 1647 he was considered by Vincent de Paul for the position of coadjutor of Babylon.
Gondi, Jean-François de (1584 – 21 March 1654). Archbishop of Paris from 1622 to 1654 and involved in the founding of CM. Superior of the Company of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (CEC).
Gondi,Philippe-Emmanuel de (1580 – 29 June 1662, Joigny).Count of Joigny and General of Galleys of France. On 6 April 1627 he became member of the Oratory of Jesus. Honored as outstanding benefactor of CM, the Oratory of Jesus, and the Carmelites
Gondrée,Nicolas (ca. 1620, Assigny, Seine-Maritime – 26 May 1649). Missionary in Madagascar from 4 December 1648. Entered CM as sub-deacon in April 1644 and ordained in 1646. He volunteered for the Madagascar mission in 1648, for which he left La Rochelle on 21 May.
Gonon, Gaspar. Missionary of CM, proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665.
Gordon, George(marquis of Huntley/Huntly). Scottish noble that helped the missionaries. The missionaries also went to his castle called ‘Bogh’, probably the same castle that is today known as Gordon Castle. From 1684 onward he would become the first Lord of Gordon.
Gray, Gilbert. Missionary in Scotland from1661 to 1669. Previously, he had studied in the Scottish college in Rome. In 1669 he apostatized after there had been complaints about him.
Grella, Andrea. A slave in Tunis that wrote PF about the case in which Vincenzo Piccini, Giuseppe and Francesco Guevara fought about a sum of 1.000 that they got from the Dey of Tunis who wanted to use this money to ransom a slave in Sicily.
Grimaldi-Cavalleroni, Girolamo (or Jérome) (20 August 1595 – 4 November 1685). Nuncio to France from 9 March 1641 to June 1643.
Grissard, Pierre. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1664.
Grohan, Julien (or Giuliano) (d. ca. 1666). Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar missionin 1665. In 1666 he left for Madagascar but died on his way there. He was not a member of CM.
Grimal, François. Member of CM, superior of the mission in Sedan.
Gueffier. French agent in Rome.
Guérin, Julien(1605, Lacelle, Orne – 23 May 1648, Tunis). CM superior in Tunis from 1645 to 1648. He entered CM in January 1640 and took his vows in June 1640. Went on missions in Saintes from 1643 to 1644. Also had a brother in CM.
Guéroult, Jean. Proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1663 by René Alméras.
Guevara, Francesco. Involved in a dispute over 1,000 reali da otto. This money was received by the group of Vincenzo Piccini and Giuseppe and Francesco Guevara to ransom a slave in Sicily in or before 1663.
Guevara, Giuseppe. Involved in a dispute over 1,000 reali da otto. This money was received by the group of Vincenzo Piccini and Giuseppe and Francesco Guevara to ransom a slave in Sicily in or before 1663. Giuseppe Guevara was granted the money but was forced to invest this in the monte di pietà.
Guidi Di Bagno,Giovanni Francesco(1578 – 1641). Nuncio to France from February 1627 to September 1630. He was created cardinal in pectorein 1627.
Guidi Di Bagno, Nicola (or Nicolò) (1583 – 1663). Nuncio to France from 23 April 1644 to December 1656. He was ordained titular archbishop of Athens on 29 March 1644.
Gutherie, David. Proposed by William Lesley in 1677 for his own replacement as procurator of the Scottish mission during his absence. Gutherie was not a member of CM.
Hay, George. Student at the Scottish college in Rome where he took the usual vows in order to join the mission to Scotland after graduation. In 1666, however, he left Rome in order to join the Scottish monastery in Regensburg, without the permission of PF, but with the permission of the rector of the college.
Hébron, François. Missionary in Madagascar from 1656.
Henir, Jacques (or Giacomo). Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1666.
Horan, Charles. Irish priest who asked for missionary faculties for the Scottish mission in 1661.
Huguier, Benjamin-Joseph (10 March 1613, Sézanne, Marne – April 1663, Algiers). Vicar apostolic in Tunis from February 1654 and in Algiers from 19 September 1662. He entered CM in September 1647. He was also appointed consul in Tunis. He took his vows in 1652 and was ordained in February 1655. After this he became the chaplain of galleys in Toulon. He died of the plague.
Huntleo, Mark.Missionary in Scotland.
Husson, Martin (1623 – December 1695). Made French consul in Tunis by Vincent de Paul. He stayed in Tunis from July 1653 to 1657. Previously he had been a lawyer in the Paris parlament. As consul he was expelled by the Dey in 1657.
Hyacinth. Capuchin who tried to get the Company of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (CEC) approved by the pope in 1633.
Ingoli, Francesco (1578 – 24 April 1649). Secretary of PF from 6 January 1622 until his death.
Innes, George.Either a missionary in Scotland around 1675 or a name used by the procurator, William Lesley, to write to the missionaries.
Irvin, Alexander. Missionary in the Scottish mission from ca. March 1668. He arrived there without patents or recommendation. He was still among the missionaries in 1675.
Irvine (of Hilton),John. Missionary for the Scottish mission, proposed in 1665. He was there from 1667 and still present in 1675.
Irvine, John “Belty”.Missionary in Scotland until 1678 when he left for Germany.
Isvard, G. Primicerius[director] of the Avignon chapter.
Jafurt, Domenico. Trinitarian Procurator General.
Jolly, Edme (24 October 1622, Doué, Seine-et-Marne – 26 March 1697). Superior general of CM from 1673 to 1697. In his youth, he had been the French ambassador to Rome. He had also worked in the Apostolic Datary. Later he entered CM in Paris in November 1646. He was ordained in Rome in May 1649. He was director of the St-Lazare seminary from May 1654, in 1655 he became superior in Rome. Assistant to Alméras and assistant at St-Lazare after Vincent de Paul’s death.
Jouery, Pierre. Member of CM, proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1663.
Jourdie, Jean (b. Narbonne 1663). Missionary of CM, proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665.
De Labar (also De Lebar and Delebar), A French merchants living in Tunis.
La Benchardière, de. Secretary of the Company of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (CEC).
La Fosse,Jacques de (b. 25 November 1621, Paris). Received into St-Lazare in October 1640 and ordained in 1648. Proposed by Alméras as prefect for the Madagascar mission in 1662.
La Meilleraye, Marquis de.Usually called “Marshal de La Meilleraye” in the sources. Had control over the castle at Madagascar and worked closely with the mission there. He was a close supporter of Vincent de Paul.
La Salle, Claude de. Proposed as missionary for Madagascar by René Alméras in 1662.
La Salle,Jean de (10 September 1598, Seux, Somme – 9 October 1639). Joined Vincent de Paul in April 1626. He was ordained in 1620. From 1631 to 1636 he preached in various places in France. Headed the St-Lazare internal seminar in June 1637. In 1638 he went back to the missions.
Laudin, Gabriele.Member of CM. Proposed by Vincent de Paul for the Madagascar mission in 1657 and accepted by PF.
Lauri, Giovanni Battista. Interim nuncio to France from November 1678 to April 1686.
La Vigne, de.Parisian doctor who certified the bad health of Jean Duval, bishop of Babylon, in order to justify his not going to his diocese.
Le Blanc,Charles. CM member who was proposed by Vincent de Paul for the Madagascar mission in 1658 but, eventually, never went there.
Le Blanc (or White),George (b. ca. 1608, Limerick). Entered CM in November 1645. Sent to Le Mans in July 1646 to oversee the seminar. He was probably sent to Ireland in October but was recalled to France in 1646. It is not certain whether he and Georges Le Blanc are the same person.
Le Blanc, Georges. This is possibly the same person as George White. In 1651 he was involved with some Irish students at the Sorbonne who signed a declaration against Jansenism.
Le Bourgeois, Jean. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1666.
Lebreton, Louis(1591, St-Jean-sur-Erve, Mayenne – 17/19 October 1641, Rome). CM Superior in Rome from 1639 to 1641. Entered CM in May 1638. He was also involved in missions in the Roman countryside.
Le Cointe,Jacob.Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1664.
Le Cornier, Denis (or Dionisio). Missionary of CM. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665.
Le Gay, Charles. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1664.
Leith (or Leso/Leto), Alexander. Secular missionary in Scotland from 1656 to 1663. He was not a member of CM. He left the mission in 1663 because he had no hope that the retirement house for the missionaries would ever be constructed. He therefore decided to become a Jesuit.
Le Merer, Gilles (or Egidio).CM missionary. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665.
Le Roy, Charles. CM missionary. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665.
Lesage (or Le Sagè),Jacques (ca. 1614, Auffray, Seine-Maritime – 12 May 1648). Missionary to Algiers from January to February 1648. He entered CM in October 1639 and took his vows in November 1645. Fell ill and died after visiting the plague-stricken.
Lescuyer (orL’Esevier), André. Member of CM.Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1666. Proposed by Edme Jolly to join Jean le Vacher to the Algiers mission in 1681.
Lesley, Alexander. Missionary to Scotland. First mentioned in our records in 1672, but he might have been active before that date. In 1677, he was appointed to conduct a visitation of the mission in Scotland. Just like his brother, William Lesley, he was not a CM member. They also had at least one other brother “Giovanni” living in Scotland.
Lesley, George.A Jesuit missionary in Schotland. He was active as missionary for at least the period around 1654 till 1677.
Lesley, William.Procurator of the Scottish mission in Romefrom 1653. He was not a CM member.
Le Soudier,Jacques (28 October 1619, Vire, Calvados – 17 May 1663, Montauban). Entered CM in May 1638 and was ordained and took his vows in 1642. He was sent to Salé, Morocco around August 1646 but only got as far as Marseilles.
Le Vacher (or Livighier),Jean (15 March 1619, Ecouen, Val-d’Oise – 26 July 1683, Algiers). CM superior of Tunis from 1648 to 1666 and of Algiers from 1668 to 1683. Entered CM together with his brother Philippe on 5 October 1643. He and his brother were nephews to André Duval. He took his vows in 1646 and was ordained in 1647. He was sent to Tunis in August 1647, where he arrived on 22 November 1647. He was also Vicar apostolic from 1650 and French consul from 1648. Returned to France in 1666, but went back to Algiers in 1668 as vicar general of Carthage and vicar apostolic of Algiers and Tunis. He was tied to a cannon and executed by the Turks.
Le Vacher,Philippe (23 March 1622, Écouen, Val-d'Oise – 5 August 1679, Fontainebleau). CM Superior in Algiers from 1650 to 1662. He Entered CM in October 1643 together with his brother Jean, and he took his vows in August 1646. He and his brother were nephews of André Duval. In October 1646 he went to Ireland as coadjutor. He was ordained in April 1650. Then he went to Algiers as vicar apostolic. From 1657 to 1659 he was in France with the purpose of collecting alms for the Barbary slaves. He went back to the Barbary Cost after 1659.
Ludovisi, Ludovico (1595 – 18 November 1632). Prefect of PF from 12 November 1622 until his death. He was created cardinal in 1621.
Lull, William. Slave in Algiers. In 1651 he asked PF for a letter of recommendation so that the redemptionist orders (Trinitarians and Mercedarians)may ransom him or otherwise help him. He was not a member of CM.
Lumsden, Thomas (ca. 1620, near Aberdeen – 1672). Missionary to Scotland from 1653 to 1663. He entered CM in 1645.
Macalister, Alexander Eugene (alias Eugene Climey). Schoolteacher in the Highlands. First mentioned in our records in 1662, but he was probably active before that date. He was still there in 1675. After he converted to Catholicism, he was expelled from the island of Skye.
MacDonnell, Bonaventura. Cousin to Francis and Mark MacDonnell.
MacDonnell, Francis. Irish Franciscan priest who studied in France and came to serve the Scottish mission in the Highlands in 1668. He was still there in 1675.
MacDonnell, Mark. Irish Franciscan priest who studied in France and came to serve the Scottish mission in the Highlands in 1668. He was still there in 1669, but the records from 1675 no longer mention him.
Macswiney (or Suineo/Maksuini), John. Candidate for the Scottish mission in 1661.
Maillard, Antoine. Proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1650.
Malaspina. Cavaliere. Commander of the Papal Galleys in Civitavecchia.
Manfroni, Antonio. Pro-secretary of PF from September 1664 to 20 December 1666, when the new secretary, Girolamo Casanata, was appointed.
Manie, Michel. Proposed as missionary for Madagascar by René Alméras in 1662. Superior of the mission in Madagascar around 1666-1667.
Maquet, Sebastien. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1664.
Maraudi, Constantino Da Tunisi. Greek priest who converted to Catholicism.
Martin, Jean(10 May 1620, Paris - 17 February 1694, Rome). CM Superior in Rome from 1677 to 1680 and from 1681 to 1691. He entered CM in October 1638 and was ordained in April 1645.
Massari, Dionisio (1597 – 1664).Secretary of PF from 30 August 1649 to April 1657.
Maurin. Parisian doctor who certified the bad health of Jean Duval, bishop of Babylon, in order to justify his not going to his diocese.
McEnery (or Ennery/ Henry),John (December 1616, Limerick – 1657, Genoa). Proposed in 1653 by Vincent de Paul for the mission on the Hebrides. Entered CM in September 1642 and took his vows in October 1645.
Menangue, Dian. A local nobleman from Madagascar.
Merino (or Della Pantellaria/ Pantellaresco), Giuseppe. Slavepriest who was in Tunis in 1669 and refused to accept the new apostolic vicars who replaced Jean Le Vacher, Giralomo Da Sassari and later Antonio Di Seravezza. He kept celebrating mass in the chapel of the French consulate, which Di Seravezza placed under interdict. He was not a CM member.
Molignano, Francesco. Appointed pro-vicar in Algiers in 1688 by Michel Monmasson. He was also proposed as Monmasson’s successor as apostolic vicar, but PF chose Giuseppe Giannola.
Molonay, Thady (b.Limerick). Missionary to Ireland from 1649. He entered CM in 1643.
Menan, Robert. Proposed for the Madagascar mission by René Alméras in 1662.
Monmasson, Michel (1639, Saint Silvestre – 5 July 1688, Algiers).Superior of the mission in Algiers from 1685 to 1688. Proposed for the Madagascar mission for seven years by René Alméras in 1664 and arrived there at 26 August 1665.
Monro, Robert. Missionary in Scotland. First mentioned in our records in 1672, but he might have been active before that date. He is still present among the missionaries in 1679.
Montani, Francesco Maria. Internuncio to France from August 1675 to January 1677.
Mousnier, Jean-François (ca. 1425, Saintes, Charente-Maritime – May 1655, Madagascar). Superior of the Madagascar mission from 1545 to 1555. Entered CM in December 1643. Took his vows in January 1646 and was ordained in 1649. He was sent to Madagascar in February 1654.
Nacquart,Charles (1617, Treslon, Marne – 29 May 1650). Superior of the Madagascar mission from 1648 to 1650. He entered CM in April 1640. He was among the firstto be appointed to Madagascar. He left on 21 May 1648 and arrived on the island on 4 December. He also published a summary of the Christian doctrine to be used in Madagascar.
Nerli, Francesco. Apostolic nuncio to France from April 1672 to July 1673. He was the archbishop of Florence and cardinal from 1673.
Nouelly, Boniface(ca. 1618, Collonges, Ain – 22 July 1647). CM superior in Algiers, sent to direct the new mission from 1646 to 1648. He entered CM in November 1643.
O’Fahy (or O’Fay), John(ca. 1602 - ca. 1647-1649). Vice prefect of the missions for Sweden, Denmark and Norway in Rome during the 1640s. Not a CM member but an associate of Cristophe Authier’s Congregation of Priests and Missionaries of the Clergy (Congregation des Clercs de la Mission)
Pasquale (or Croi/Croy), Antonio.Commissioner general of Terra Santa in Marseilles. Also seems to have worked for PF. Probably the same person as Antonio Croi/Croy.
Paul, Vincent de (24 April 1581, Saint Vincent de Paul – 27 September 1660, Paris). Founder of the Congregation of the Mission and its Superior General from 1625 to his death. In 1605 he was taken captive and became a slave in 1607 he escaped and returned to France. From 1612 he served the Gondi family.
Pacificus, Franciscus. Recollect monk in Tunis.
Piccinini, Serafino. Involved in a dispute over 1,000 reali da otto. This money was received by the group of Vincenzo Piccini and Giuseppe and Francesco Guevara to ransom a slave in Sicily in or before 1663.
Piccinini, Giovanni Vincenzo. Involved in a dispute over 1,000 reali da otto. This money was received by the group of Vincenzo Piccini and Giuseppe and Francesco Guevara to ransom a slave in Sicily in or before 1663. Piccini wanted to use this sum to regain his freedom after his enslavement.
Piccolomini, Celio.Apostolic nuncio to France from November 1659 to August 1663. Titular archbishop of Athens.
Piequelin, Toussaint. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1666.
Piviers, Pierre de. Capuchin monk who wrote to PF in 1647 suggesting that a mission in Madagascar would be a good idea.
Prat, Henri. French Consul in Salé around 1648.
Prévost, Nicolas (d. September 1656, Madagascar).Missionary to Madagascar. Heentered CM in 1646 and was proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1655.
Raccus, Dominicus. Priest in Tunis, probably a Capuchin, and from January 1646 also a missionary.
Ranuzzi, Angelo Maria.Archbishop of Fano and nuncio to France from 1683 to 1689. He was created cardinal in 1686.
Raoul, Nicolò. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665. Not a member of CM.
Ravizza, Francesco. Secretary of PFfrom 20 June 1673 to May 1675.
Roguet, Martin Ignace (January 1634, Morchies – 9 October 1676, France). Superior of the Madagascar mission from 1668 to 1671. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665. He was a member of CM.
Rospigliosi. Internuncio to France in 1663.
Sauli, Antonmaria. Prefect of PF from 14 January 1622 to 12 November 1622.
Scotti,Ranuccio. Nuncio to France from August 1641 to March 1641. He was bishop of Borgo San Donnino.
Smith,John.Franciscan missionary to Scotland. First mentioned in our records in October 1653, but he might have been active before that date. He was still there in 1668.
Spada, Bernardino (1594 – 1661). Nuncio to France from December 1623 to February 1627. Created cardinal in 1626.
Spada, Fabrizio. Nuncio to France from January 1674 to 27 August 1675. Titular archbishop of Patras. Created cardinal in 1675.
Sponde, Henri de (or Enrico Spondano, Spondanus)(6 January 1568 – 18 May 1643). Writer of a book named “il Compendio del Baronio”.
Stella, Gasparo. Missionary of CM. Proposed by René Alméras for the Madagascar mission in 1665. In 1681 he, if not a namesake, was sent as a apostolic missionary to Algiers.
Turpin, Pierre. Proposed for the Madagascar mission by Réné Alméras in 1659.
Tyree, James (or Giacomo Tirio).Scottish priest living in Paris, proposed for the Scottish mission around 1665, but he probably never went there.
Varese, Pompeo. Nuncio to France from January 1677 until November 1678. Archbishop of Andrianopolis.
Vegrat, Claude Bernard. Proposed for the Madagascar mission in 1664.
Véron, François(ca. 1575, Paris – 6 December 1649, Charenton). Renowned controversialist and Jesuit. He tried to start a congregation of his own around the same time as the CM was founded.
Vibo, Michele Antonio. Internuncio to France from April 1667 to March 1668 and from July 1671 to June 1672.
Viellescas, G.,A CM-priest in Barbary.
Walker, John (d. 4 March 1679). Scottish missionary from 1650 to 1656 and from ca. 1658 to 1671. Also prefect of this mission from ca. 1661 to 1671. He was converted to Catholicism by Ballantyne in Rome. In February 1655 he was taken prisoner and taken to Edinburgh. Between ca. 1656 and 1658 he left the mission to go to Paris and write a book on Puritanism. This led to a conflict with PF. Somewhere around 1668 he probably had a stroke and for this reason he went to Padua around 1672 to seek medical attention.
White,Francis “Bianchi” (ca. 1623,Limerick - 28 January 1679, Scotland). Missionary to Scotland from 1651 to ca. 1660 and again from ca. 1662 to 1665 and from 1668 to 1679. He Entered CM in 1645 and was ordained in 1651. He was imprisoned in February 1655 for some months and then taken to Edinburgh. In 1660 and in 1665 he went to Paris for some time.
White, John(b. Limerick). Entered CM in May 1658 and took his vows in 1660. From 1661 onward he was several times proposed as missionary to Scotland, among others by his own brother, Francis White. In September 1666, PF accepted John White as missionary but he objected that he was sick and never desired to be a missionary in the first place. He taught theology in one of the seminars of CM (probably in Troyes).
Whytford. A missionary in the Scottish mission, working around Edinburgh in 1679.
Winster, Alexander “Dunbar”(d.1708). Missionary in Scotland from April 1658 to 1668, when he went to France. Also prefect of this mission from 1663 to 1668 and from 1672 to 1694. From 1695 he was deacon of the mission.