Report on the "state of missions in the Province of Paris," with no particulars given (seems to refer to the Capuchins). Classification of types of missions. Folded inside the first folio there is another folio (same paper, same handwriting) on the…
Letter from an unknown author (the signature is illegible) to [Luigi Capponi?] in which he mentions the pope's decision to distribute areas of Ireland, among PF cardinals. Therefore, the writer of the letter aks PF to confirm the decision. He…
Letter from Julien Guérin with several details about the Tunis mission, emphasizing the chronic lack of priests and asking for advice on dealing with irregularities among the Christian slaves in the city, such as usury and buying stolen goods. The…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno to PF. The nuncio asked Vincent de Paul for information about Michele Dello Spirito Santo [Michel Du Saint-Esprit], as requested by PF. The information given by Vincent de Paul is enclosed (see…
Letter from Vincent de Paul to the nuncio of France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno, in which he gives him the requested information about Michel Du Saint-Esprit.
Copy of a letter from PF to Vincent de Paul. PF writes that some Recollects have proposed to go to Madagascar, in order to address the great need of missionaries in the mission. The cardinals, however, chose to first ask Vincent de Paul, as some of…
Petition on behalf of Jean Barreau, who is working for the mission in Algiers to PF, asking for a dispensation of the simple vows of the Cistercians, considering he is working for CM priests. During the PF general meeting of the 6 May 1652, the…
Letter from a Discalced Augustinian, Fra Cherubino Della Vergine Maria, who had converted to Islam and then back to Catholicism. He asks to be pardoned for his error and requesting, among other things, that Philippe Le Vacher be granted the faculty…
Petition on behalf of Philippe Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers, to PF. He asks for a safe-conduct for the former Discalced Augustine Cherubino Della Vergine Maria, a renegade who wants to return to the Catholic faith. For this he needs to…
Copy of a letter from PF to Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis. Le Vacher is asked to favorably receive Father Benedetto di S. Anna (a Discalced Augustine), who is travelling to Tunis to assist the Christian slaves. The letter dated 12 November…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 12 November 1657 discussing among other issues, the request by the procurator general of the Discalced Augustinians. They ask PF to write a letter of recommendation for Father Benedict of St. Anna, to Jean Le Vacher,…
Anonymous report with news about various Franciscan, Capuchin, Jesuit, and Carmelite missionaries to Pegu and Persia, Africa and India; in Madagascar there is just one missionary left because his companion died. The report also states that Marshal de…
Letter from PF to the vicar apostolic of Tunis [Jean Le Vacher]. The Dominican priest Silvestro Bandini was made a slave and brought to Tunis (when leaving Armenia). He reported the great need of priests in Tunis, and PF ask Le Vacher to grant him…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France [Carlo Roberti de' Vittori]. PF wants to have information on the College founded for the service of the Scottish nation, which is administered by the Carthusians. PF asks de' Vittori to inform them about the…
Letter from Francis White to [William Lesley?]. He writes that he has only received the letter from [William Lesley?] in June, as [Alexander] Winster did not want to risk forwarding it, since he did not know where White was. He describes problems…
Summary of the mission reports from the Scottish missionaries. It is a general report about the ongoing problems of the Scottish mission and the steps already taken by PF. The main issue is the chronic lack of priests, and although PF has done much…
PF notes on a petition by Dionisio Kennedie [Kennedy], an Irish Augustinian wishing to go to the mission in the Scottish highlands. The petition notes that Kennedie is asking for the faculties of missionary, including a provision for daily expenses,…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers, to PF. He writes about his travel to Algiers where he arrived on 24 May. He describes the situation in Algiers, that there are 14,000 or 15,000 Christian slaves, among whom there are around 100…
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher. He asks for the copies of the letters that PF has sent to him, in the case he loses one (as sometimes happens), he will still have the other. He especially asks for the copies of the letters about the spiritual…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza, a Minor Observant working in Tunis, in which he complains about the fact that Giuseppe della Pantellaria [Giuseppe Merino della Pantelleria] does not recognize his authority; the letter signed and dated 26 June 1669.…
Copy of a letter from PF to Antonio Di Seravezza, a Minor Observant working in Tunis. He is told that he will not be given the faculties that allow him to keep Father Giuseppe della Pantellaria from misbehaving, but that PF has ordered Jean Le…
Letter from Casimiro Di Monte Vecchio, Rafel Gronosios, Francesco Galerio Spalerio, Antonio Bermezò, Charlos Bontemps Escrivain, Francesco Caratelo, and Giuseppi Rendi. They did not write earlier about the situation in Tunis, as they did not yet know…
Copy of a letter from PF to Jean Le Vacher, ordering Le Vacher to send the Minor Observant Antonio Di Seravezza back to his own province, in the case that he is in Tunis. Di Seravezza has neither been appointed vicar apostolic nor even a missionary…
Copy of a letter from PF to Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers. Le Vacher is told that his letter about the "Padri del Riscatto" and their unwillingness to obey him has been presented at a PF general meeting, and that the cardinals greatly…
Minutes of the general meeting of PF, held on 10 November 1670, discussing among other issues, a letter by Jean Le Vacher in which he writes that he sent a Sicilian priest [Luigi Da Palermo] that he had ransomed for 600 piastre to the Tunis mission.…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 10 November 1670 discussing among other issues, letters from the Capuchin Girolamo Da Sassari, (vice prefect to Algiers), the Minor Observant Antonio Di Seravezza (who worked in Algiers without patents of PF), and…
Statement by Bernardus Maria, Joannes Cabrold, brother Emmanuel and Ludouicus Rodriguez. These priests in Algiers attest that Joanne’ le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] ransomed Ludouicu a Palermo [Luigi Da Palermo] for 650 scudi in Algiers in 1670. He can…
Petition on behalf of the Trinitarians in Algiers. They ask: a) that they may keep the Holy sacrament in their hospitals; and b) that they may be exempted from obeying the vicar apostolic (Jean Le Vacher), as he wants them to receive non-Catholics in…
Summary on the reports of the mission in Scotland. In PF meeting of 23 July 1674 they took the following measures: a) the children sent to the Colleges have to be approved by the prefect and the children of Catholics have to go to PF schools; b)…
Petition on behalf of the procurator of the Scottish mission [William Lesley] to PF. In the letter he mentions several abuses in the Scottish mission, and advises PF to send Alexander Lesley as a visitor to the mission. The notes of the meeting of 16…