Letter from Lorence, vicar apostolic, to PF. Last September Lorence sent two priests away. One of them is member of the Trinitarian order, and is named Gioan Antonio Vello. He had been the administrator of the hospital for nine years. At the end of…
The Trinitarian procurator states that his order always has mantained hospitals in Algiers, founded at their own expense. From the Holy See they received privileges to find churches and administer the sacraments. They had been doing this for 16…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to Gio'ni le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher]. He has most likely already heard about the abuse of the consul in Tunis, Gio' Ambrogini [Jean Ambrozin] towards not only Girolamo Da Sassari, but also to himself; Di Seravezza…
Copy of a letter from PF to Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers. Le Vacher is told that his letter about the "Padri del Riscatto" and their unwillingness to obey him has been presented at a PF general meeting, and that the cardinals greatly…
Copy of a letter from PF to the superior generals of the Trinitarians and Mercedarians, stating that members of these orders in Tunis and Algiers do not acknowledge the authority of the vicar apostolic [Jean Le Vacher] sent by the Holy See. The…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 10 November 1670 discussing among other issues, a letter by Jean Le Vacher in which he asks for advice on how to deal with the regulars called "Del Riscatto," that come to Algiers to ransom slaves. They namely grant…
Petition on behalf of Gio' il Vacher [Jean Le Vacher]. There are priests of the Redemption Orders in Algiers and Tunis who grant indulgences, resolve reserved cases, say mass outside the chapels wherever they want, administer the sacraments, and…
Letter from the vicar apostolic in Algiers Jean Le Vacher, who writes that he has ransomed a Capuchin (Luigi Da Palermo) for 677 scudi, and that he sent him to Tunis to help the people there. Luigi Da Palermo has also written to Le Vacher about an…
Letter from PF to the secretary of the secretary of briefs to princes and latin letters, [Mons'r Alusio?]. The defense given to the pope by the trinitarian procurator general [Domenico Jafurt], has been returned to PF on 13 May 1671, by [Alusio?]. PF…
Letter from PF to Luigi Da Palermo, missionary in Tripoli. In Tripoli PF has founded a mission of Reformed Friar Minors to help the Christian slaves. PF has written a letter to the Trinitarian Fathers to ask if they could try to ransom Vincenzo…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to PF. They probably know by now that Luigi Da Palermo has returned to Sicily, and has left the mission of Tunis. Le Vacher had ransomed him for 650 piastre and given him the position of provicar apostolic for three years.…
Letter from PF to Cardinal [de Massimo?]. They are sending the cardinal the answers of the Trinitarians, in response to the complaints of Levacher [Jean Le Vacher], vicar apostolic of Algiers. They refer the case to the cardinal, in order for him to…
Minutes of PF general congregation of 22 July 1671 discussing among other issues, the Trinitarians and Mercedarians who work in Algiers without a license from the apostolic vicar, Jean Le Vacher. PF secretary [Federico Baldeschi] contacted the two…
Letter from PF and its secretary [Federico Baldeschi] to Jean Le Vacher, about the Trinitarians in Algiers. In previous letters, PF praised Le Vacher because he warned them in a very brotherly way, about the Trinitarian brother Bartolomeo Da Serrano;…
Letter from PF to the father general of the Trinitarians. PF had already forbidden Trinitarian priests who reside in Barbary to administer the sacraments, or to mingle in any other practice, since there is a vicar apostolic [Jean Le Vacher]. Now…
Letter from PF to 'Abb'e Catalone.' Included in the letter is the report on everything that happened in Algiers between Bartolomeo Da Serrano (a Trinitarian), and the vicar apostolic; also added are the writings of the vicar apostolic and decisions…
The procurator of the Trinitarian order Michele Da Santo Ludovico, writes that his order was founded in the times of Innocent III under the pretence to free Christian slaves. He reports that since their founding, they have done a lot for the church;…
Domenico Jafurt the procurator general of the Trinitarians, responds about the case of Bartolomeo Da Serrano, who works in Algiers without a license from the vicar apostolic [Jean Le Vacher]. Jafurt states that Bartolomeo does have permision to do…
Jean Le Vacher reminds PF about the issue of Trinitarian and Mercedarian priests performing missionary activities on the basis of their privileges, but without appealing to him first. Bartolomeo Da Serrano is one of these Trinitarian priests who…
Petition on behalf of the Trinitarians in Algiers. They ask: a) that they may keep the Holy sacrament in their hospitals; and b) that they may be exempted from obeying the vicar apostolic (Jean Le Vacher), as he wants them to receive non-Catholics in…
Copy of a letter from PF secretary [Federico Baldeschi] to Jean Le Vacher, stating that PF has received Le Vacher's letter of 30 December in which he writes about Luigi Da Palermo and Bartolomeo Da Serrano. PF has sent several orders to the superior…
Excerpt from a letter from PF-secretary [Federico Baldeschi] to Jean Le Vacher. The father general of the Trinitarians will recall his priest Bartolomeo Serrano [Bartolomeo Da Serrano]. Also the priests are instructed to obey Jean Le Vacher, and they…
Letter from PF and its secretary [Federico Baldeschi] to Jean Le Vacher. The Trinitarians keep pretending to be exempted from the jurisdiction of Jean Le Vacher. They also failed to order Bartolomeo Da Serrano to return. PF sent several letters but…
Letter from Giovanni Le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] to [PF]. According to the letter from 14 March 1671 he had to find a priest for Bizerte. He has found no-one more capable for the task than Marcello Costa, who is currently staying in Tunis. It is not…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to PF. He has previously sent two letters to PF, about the upheavels caused by Gio' LeVacher [Jean Le Vacher]. He knows that his latest letters reached their destination. He trusts in God that PF will understand the…
Copy of a letter from PF to the nuncio to Spain, asking him to order that Bartolomeo Da Serrano leave the mission. If this is not done, the vicar apostolic of Algiers [Jean Le Vacher] should impose censures on Da Serrano. Attached to this letter is…
Copy of a letter from PF to the superior general of the Trinitarians. In January 1672 PF already ordered the superior to recall Bartolomeo Da Serrano from the mission in Algiers. Since the superior has not carried out this order, and Da Serrano is…
Copy of a letter from PF to Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic of Algiers. The Trinitarians working in Algiers have asked for the permission to keep the most Holy sacrament (i.e. consecrated bread) in their hospitals (or at the very least in one called…
Petition on behalf of Domenico Jafurt, Trinitarian procurator general. From the letters sent by [Bartolomeo Da] Serrano, one can understand that things are described very differently, than how the Vicar General of Carthage [Jean Le Vacher] presents…
Summary of a letter sent by the Trinitarian Procurator General [Domenico Jafurt], about the case of Bartolomeo Da Serrano. Among other issues, PF discussed the matters concerning Le Vacher and Bartolomeo Da Serrano several times on 11 January. Da…