Letter from PF to 'Abb'e Catalone', 1671-11-03, [Rome]


Letter from PF to 'Abb'e Catalone', 1671-11-03, [Rome]


Slave priests
Slaves (Christian)


Letter from PF to 'Abb'e Catalone.' Included in the letter is the report on everything that happened in Algiers between Bartolomeo Da Serrano (a Trinitarian), and the vicar apostolic; also added are the writings of the vicar apostolic and decisions of PF, on the behavior of the other Trinitarian priests. The report on what happened with the Trinitarian priests is as follows. For many years, PF has placed Barbery Gio' Levacher [Jean Le Vacher] a French CM priest, as vicar apostolic. With his zeal and with the assistance of the consuls of France, who are very powerful in the region, he has helped the poor slaves and those in the Catholic faith. Recently, he has written twice to PF, about the Trinitarians in his regions. The first time he wrote, he informed PF that the Trinitarians were ransoming slaves, administering confessions (and other sacraments) without his permission, or showing him a privilige or some other kind of faculty. Le Vacher asked PF how he should handle the situation, and PF decided that the Trinitarians should ask Le Vacher for his permission to administer the sacraments. The second time, Le Vacher informed PF about Bartolomeo Da Serrano (a Spanish Trinitarian), who stayed in Algiers, in order to administer the hospital of Christian slaves. Not only did he take confessions and administered the sacraments without asking permission or showing a faculty, but he also spoke to Le Vacher in a way that showed little respect for his office or position. Moreover, he kept the Holy sacrament in an indecent place, and also prohibited Le Vacher from entering chapels which he administered. It was not enough just to warn him, and during the heated conversations in which Le Vacher prohibited him under penalty of interdiction to administer the sacraments, Da Serrano behaved in the same manner. Based on this report PF decided to write to the Trinitarian father general, and order him to make his priests obey the vicar apostolic, who they should recognize as their superior. PF received a letter from four slave priests, in which they discussed the disregard Da Serrano has for the orders of the vicar apostolic, and the uprising of Spanish priests (orchestrated by Da Serrano), against the vicar; there has even been a song composed which sang about electing a new vicar apostolic. PF requests that the nuncio to Spain should force the Trinitarian father general to recall Da Serrano. He should also receive another punishment, in order to force the other priests to respect the authority of the vicar apostolic.
Additional comments




APF Lettere 57, 119r-120v




Adressed to 'Abb'e Catalone'


copy; unsigned








Origin: [Rome]


PF, “Letter from PF to 'Abb'e Catalone', 1671-11-03, [Rome],” Early Modern Documents: Sources and Resources for Historical Research, accessed January 20, 2025, https://earlymoderndocs.omeka.net/items/show/13243.