Letter referring to the success of two missions ordered by the bishop of Valence in Estoile (in spring 1639) and St. Giovanni di Reyan (fall-winter 1639 to January 1640). The bishop himself donated 200 scudi for this purpose. The missionaries taught…
'Report on the progress of Christophe Authier and his companions in France'. Detailed reports of the two missions mentioned in the previous letter (on f. 345r, 346v (database item 67), as well as six others. On f. 386r there is a testimony by the…
Report on the status and activities of CM. The congregation was founded in 1524 and approved in 1632, with Vincent de Paul as superior general. The congregation has 20 houses, of which 16 are located in France (in Lorraine and Savoy), and two in…
Translation of a letter from Dermot Duiguin, missionary in the Hebrides and in the mountains of Scotland to Vincent de Paul. The report is about his arrival in Scotland and his missionary work. The letter was meant to be forwarded to PF. The letter…
Report from the Scottish mission, with the names of the missionaries and a short description of their activities: Giovanni Smitteo [John Smith] studied in Rome and Paris, and is working near the border between Scotland and England. Guglielmo…
Report from the Scottish mission, with the names of the missionaries and a short description of their activities: Tomaso Lumisdeno [Thomas Lumsden] has travelled to London (where he arranged the forwarding of letters from Scotland to Paris), after…
Letter from Philippe Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers to PF, about the state of his missions. He reports among other things the discord and abuses among the regular and secular priests.
Extensive report by Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis, on the situation in the city and of the slaves, the spiritual assistance of the priests, the hospitals, the chapels of the bagnos, and the problem of apostasy. The report signed and dated…
Report from the superior of the Scottish mission, William Ballantyne, to PF. It describes the importance of the mission, the political situation, and the relationship between Protestants and Catholics in the country. The report also lists all the…
Letter from Philippe Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers, to Thomas Berthe, superior of CM house in Rome. Among other things he writes to recommend the servants of Cardinal [Barberini], who have been caught by Algerian corsairs, and now reside…
Summary of reports from the years 1652-1655 by Francis White, Thomas Lumsden and Dermot Duiguin to Vincent de Paul (translated from French to Italian). The summary principally reports the work of Duiguin and White in the Hebrides; they state in the…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 14 June 1657 discussing among other issues, the situation that has faced the Scottish mission from its founding in 1649, and its main problems and needs. PF decided that the number of priests sent to the mission,…
Translation (from French) of a report on Madagascar, describing its size and location. It furthermore describes that many CM priests have worked there, converting more than 5,000 Christians. The report states that Marshal de La Meilleraye is…
Report on Madagascar, describing its size and location. It furthermore describes that many CM priests have worked there, converting more than 5,000 Christians; only one of whom survived. The report states that Marshal de La Meilleraye is expanding…
Report from Madagascar sent by Nicolas Etienne (prefect of the Madagascar mission), to René Alméras, dated 16 January 1664, to be forwarded to PF. The report starts with their journey from France (including quite detailed information about Cape…
Copy of a part of a letter from Francis White to the prefect of the Scottish mission, Alexander Winster. The missionary writes that he is exhausted from the work he has to do. White states that it was hard even when there were still four other…
Extensive report by Jean Le Vacher on the situation in Tunis, which lists his missionary work, the behavior of other priests, and the case of several Maltese [Vincenzo Piccinini and Giuseppe and Francesco Guerara] who took 1000 pezze from the Dey,…
Copy of a letter from Alexander Winster, prefect of the Scottish mission, to its procurator in Rome, William Lesley. In the letter he: a) requests news about Thomas Lumsden for the third time, as he has not heard from Lumsden since he went to France;…
Letter from Alexander Macalister, schoolteacher in Scotland, to William Lesley, procurator of the Scottish mission in Rome. He writes that he has 24 pupils at the house of count MacDonnell in Glengarry. The students are from the following families:…
Letter from Francis White to PF. He writes to have received 25 scudi from William Lesley, sent to him by PF. He has served in the mission for 14 years (orginally sent by CM), and in this period at least 14 parishes have been converted to Catholicism;…
Letter from Alexander Macalister to PF in which he explains that last year (before his conversion to Catholicism), he had a school on the Isle of Skye, where he taught at least 70 children of Protestant parents. When he converted to Catholicism, a…
Copy of a letter from John Walker to the procurator of the Scottish mission in Rome, William Lesley. He writes to have received a letter from the procurator. With this letter Walker wants to underline a few points made in his letter to PF so that…
Letter from the prefect of the Scottish mission Alexander Winster, to its procurator in Rome, William Lesley. Winster explains that he had neither written nor sent any letters to date, for fear that his letters would be opened and read, due to the…
Letter from Alexander Winster, prefect of the Scottish mission, to PF. Winster explains that he had neither written nor sent any letters to date, for fear that his letters would be opened and read, due to the ongoing war between England and the…
Letter from Francis White to [William Lesley?]. He writes that he has only received the letter from [William Lesley?] in June, as [Alexander] Winster did not want to risk forwarding it, since he did not know where White was. He describes problems…
Letter from Alexander Winster, prefect of the Scottish mission, to PF. Winster writes about the lack of priests, as in Scotland there are only four secular priests and one teacher. The missionaries are: John Walker, who has been in Aberdeen and the…
Translation of a letter from Alexander Winster to William Lesley. Winster states to have only recently (at the beginning of the month) received the letter and package sent by William Lesley, more than eight or ten months before. They had arrived in…
Copy of a letter from Francis White [to William Lesley?]. He writes that he has visited [Alexander] Winster, whom he had not seen for four years. He went a very long way in order to ask Winster for the things needed for his very poor mission. Winster…
Copy of a letter from Graio [Gilbert Gray] to [William] Lesley. He writes to the procurator that Lesley, on his departure, urged him to write frequently, as he often complained that the other missionaries did not write often enough. Gray, however,…