Several documents regarding Scottish Catholics in Paris, recommended to PF by the archbishop of Paris and the oratory; also a recommendation by Richelieu and de Bérulle in favor of Father Thompson who wanted to go to England to serve the queen.
Copy of a letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno. The nuncio asked for two things: a) to verify that "Giacomo Walchero" [John Walker?] account about the Scottish mission is true, (namely that it is successful and that many more…
Report from the Scottish mission, with the names of the missionaries and a short description of their activities: Giovanni Smitteo [John Smith] studied in Rome and Paris, and is working near the border between Scotland and England. Guglielmo…
Copy of a letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno, stating that the nuncio should inquire about Gio' Valcherio's [John Walker's] motives to leave the Scottish mission; the nuncio should also find out whether the fact that he…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 26 March 1657 discussing among other issues, a petition by [John] Walker. He asks to be granted an annual provision, despite not currently residing in the mission, (he is staying in France, where he is writing a book…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 1 October 1658 discussing among other issues, a petition sent on behalf of John Walker. He had to go to Paris after being in prison for a certain period; he had asked for a provision for the time he spent outside the…
Copy of a letter from PF to Patrick Coneo. The letter responds to a list of complaints that Coneo made on behalf of the Scottish missionaries. The answers are as follows: a) the missionaries should not complain when their faculties and provisions…
Letter from William Ballantyne to Mario Alberizzi, PF secretary. He writes regarding his arrival in Scotland on 18 May 1661. It is noted that after his arrival, he succeeded in bringing back to the Catholic faith an apostate priest named James…
Letter from PF to Patritio Coneo [Patrick Coneo]. PF is committed to establishing a hospital for the missionaries in Scotland. Lesleo [William Lesley] the procurator of the mission, has delayed the foundation of the hospital, as up until now, they…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France [Carlo Roberti de' Vittori]. The prefect of the mission of secular priests in Scotland [Alexander Winster] told PF about the current problem facing Catholics in the Highlands; they require a priest who could…
Petition on behalf of mister Blaccallo [Blackall?] and Giacomo Tirio [James Tyree?] both Scottish priests living in Paris, to PF. They ask for the missionary faculties, a travel provision, the normal provisions, and the necessary sacred ornaments.…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France [Carlo Roberti de' Vittori]. PF received the news that Gio' Bianchi [John White] will not travel to the Scottish mission. They are not sure about the reasons of CM superior [René Alméras]. PF proposes that in…
Translation of a letter from Alexander Winster to William Lesley. Winster states to have only recently (at the beginning of the month) received the letter and package sent by William Lesley, more than eight or ten months before. They had arrived in…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori, to PF. He writes that two Franciscan priests from Ireland have come to him: Marco Macdaniel and Francesco Macdaniel [Mark and Francis MacDonnell?]. They are both willing to go to the…
Letter from PF to the prefect of the Scottish mission, Joani Valchero [John Walker]. Walker informed PF of the need for another missionary. PF agreed with Walker and asked Alexander Burnet to uptake this difficult task. Currently Burnet is staying at…
Letter from David Burnet to PF. John Walker was the prefect of the mission but he suffered from a stroke. He remained prefect for two more years. But in May 1671 he went to London, as he hoped that the doctors there could help him. During his absence…
Letter from John Walker to [the prefect of PF]. It has been four years since he has not been able to move the left part of his body. He had been forced to leave Aberdeen for Edinburgh, and to stay there for a year to recover his health. He used all…
Statement from Raimondo Zanforte, Dominico Fiarchetti and Giacomo Cadenado. They attest that Gio' Valker [John Walker] has come to Padua, after he had lost movement in the left side of his body four years ago. Not only to give him back his movement…
Letter from John Walker to PF. He is asking PF for help since he is sick. He has been working for the Scottish mission for 22 years, not only has he administered the sacrements and teached the Holy faith, but he also wrote a book defending…
There are eight missionaries in Scotland. Three of them, Francisc' Blancus [Francis White], Francisc' Macdonell [Francis MacDonell], and Robert Monro work in the northern mountains of Scotland, and on the Hebrides. Six priests there would hardly be…
Letter from [Francesco] Barberini to [the prefect of PF]. He presents the public merits and the private problems of Giovanni Valcher [John Walker]. He has worked for 22 years for the Scottisch mission, and eventually as superior for the other…
Letter from Federico Baldeschi, secretary of PF. Two letters have been presented to the procurator of the mission of Scotland from Valchero [John Walker], who had been prefect of the Scottish mission. He had worked for this mission for 22 years, and…
PF Summary of SOCG 435. Robert Monro, a missionary in Scotland, writes in a letter that: a) he has not been able to serve the mission as he wanted, because of a persecution in Scotland that started after letters of Jesuits were found. This happened…
Gio' Valchero [John Walker], who used to be the prefect of the Scottish mission, was forced to leave the mission because of health problems (paralysis) and went to Padua. After his health improved, he travelled to Rome. Now he asks PF to give him an…
Report on the Scottish mission. In 1668, PF received a report on the Scottish mission from the prefect Alesandro Winstero [Alexander Winster]. This report was discussed during PF meeting of 27 September 1669. After this meeting, the affairs of the…
Letter from Alexander Lesley to William Lesley. Alexander Lesley would like to take the place of William Lesley in Rome. However he would first like to see that they send subjects and missionaries to the Scottish mission, and provide money for their…
Letter from Guglielmo Lesleo [William Lesley]. While walking with a cardinal in the garden of the grand duchess named Miralfiore, he saw beautiful Amaranth flowers of which he sends a few seeds with this letter. He reccomends Gio' Iruino [John Irvin,…
Letter from Guglielmo Lesleo [William Lesley]. He is very grateful for all the favours passed to him, and to Sig'r Iruino [John Irvan, of Hilton], who wrote that he will have the money soon.
Relation on the mission in Scotland. The covered subjects are the following: a) archbishoprics and bishoprics; b) the place of residence of the missionaries; c) the residence of the prefect of the mission; d) the universities; e) the Catholics…
Relation on the Hebrides. The task to write a relation on the Hebrides was given to Archbishop of Armach [Armagh]. This relation was given to him by a franciscan missionary Fran'co Macdonel [Francis MacDonnell], who had to travel there to bring the…