Letter from Francis White to [William Lesley?], 1667-04-29


Letter from Francis White to [William Lesley?], 1667-04-29


Mission reports
Non-Catholic Christians


Copy of a letter from Francis White [to William Lesley?]. He writes that he has visited [Alexander] Winster, whom he had not seen for four years. He went a very long way in order to ask Winster for the things needed for his very poor mission. Winster himself came to see White the previous autumn [1666] but did not find him, as White was far away on the islands and had fallen ill. White writes that whilst Winster had assisted him financially, the need for more missionaries is even more urgent than before. The promised help has not yet arrived, but the vastness of the area and the amount of converts, would provide enough work for twelve priests. Missionaries are also needed because, while there is great faith in God in this region, the people know nothing about the Catholic faith. They abhor the Protestant ministers, but there are no Catholic priests to replace them. White also writes that the superior [René Alméras] of his brother [John White] will send the latter to Scotland, only if [William Lesley] convinces the PF to write to Alméras and the nuncio to France on this matter. White furthermore asks that [William Lesley] convince PF to send money for books and approximately one thousand rosaries and other similar things. The letter is dated 29 April 1667, but it was received in Rome in 1668. 
Date received 1668
Additional comments
Although the addressee is not mentioned explicitly, it is very likely to be William Lesley. This is because Francis White talks about the addressee's task of convincing PF of certain needs of the Scottish mission. This was precisely the task of the procurator of that mission in Rome, namely William Lesley.


Francis White


APF SOCG 308, 358v-360r




Addressed to [William Lesley?]


This item belongs to a compilation of copies that were made at the same time. The compilation includes database items 351-359 and 368 (APF SOCG 308, 345r-362v). On f. 362v, which is the last page of the compilation, a notation reads: "Lettere venute da Scotia, 1668".








Origin: [Scotland]
Destination: [Rome]


Francis White, “Letter from Francis White to [William Lesley?], 1667-04-29,” Early Modern Documents: Sources and Resources for Historical Research, accessed September 13, 2024, https://earlymoderndocs.omeka.net/items/show/13356.