Copy of a letter from the Fathers MacDonnelli [Mark and Francis MacDonnell], sent from Edinburgh to [William] Lesley. They describe the difficulties they encountered during their journey, their shipwreck, their illness, and the loss of all their…
Copy of a letter from [Alexander Winster] to [William] Lesley. He states that he has written so much in his previous letters, that he has not much left to tell, until he receives a response; he has not received anything in two years. The attached…
Copy of a letter from [Alexander Winster] to [William Lesley], the procurator of the Scottish mission. He writes that more than a month ago he wrote to PF about the long and difficult journey of Father Marco and Father Francesco MacDonnelli [Mark and…
Partial copy of a letter from the prefect of the Scottish mission [Alexander Winster], to its procurator in Rome, [William Lesley]. He writes about the fact that he has helped the two Irish Fathers [Mark and Francis MacDonnell?] who came to Scotland…
Copy of a letter from Alexander Winster, prefect of the Scottish mission, to its procurator in Rome, William Lesley. In the letter he: a) requests news about Thomas Lumsden for the third time, as he has not heard from Lumsden since he went to France;…
Letter from [Cherubino Da Frascati]. He presents himself to PF following his return. The vicar general, Gio' Leuascer [Jean Le Vacher], ordered him to return, as the slave priests complained that they did not receive any alms. After this Le Vacher…
Statement by Ferdinando Di Alaba, procurator of the provinces of Castile, Leon, and Navarra, of the order of the Discalced Trinitarians. Di Alaba informs them that the Trintarians have five hospitals in Algiers. The priests of this order take care of…
Letter from Francis White to [William Lesley?]. He writes that he has only received the letter from [William Lesley?] in June, as [Alexander] Winster did not want to risk forwarding it, since he did not know where White was. He describes problems…
Copy of a letter from Graio [Gilbert Gray] to [William] Lesley. He writes to the procurator that Lesley, on his departure, urged him to write frequently, as he often complained that the other missionaries did not write often enough. Gray, however,…
Letter from Jean Ambrozin, French consul in Tunis, to PF. He writes that Father Girolamo Da Sassari (Capuchin and vicar in Tunis), has received some letters from Jean Le Vacher, in which he announces that he had been appointed vicar apostolic of…
Copy of a letter from [John] Valchero [Walker] to William Lesley. He writes to have understood from Tomasse Lumisden, [Thomas Lumsden] that PF intends to appoint him as prefect of the Scottish mission. He has no ambition to join the mission, as he…
Petition on behalf of Gio' Guerino [Julien Guérin] priest of CM and missionary in Tunis, to PF. He asks for the missionary faculties which he still has not received. He needs them to absolve many cases and to bless the things that he needs for mass.…
Letter from the minister of the Holy See to PF. Being in Visconte, he enjoys the opportunity to see the lieutenant of justice on a daily basis. The justice has continued to show his compassion with the suffering of regular, and secular slave priests…
Letter from the secretary of PF to William Lesley, in which he writes that he is very glad to hear that the missionaries in Scotland are doing well, and are making progress. The letter dated 22 June 1678.
Letter from Alexander Leslaeus [Alexander Lesley] to PF. It has been three years since he went to Scotland to work for the mission. He certainly made progress, especially in Banff [Bamffensi], Aberdeen, Mernensi? [Nairn?] and Angus. In these places…
Letter from Al' Winster [Alexander Winster] to PF. In these dangerous times Winster is afraid to write to PF, because if found, his writings will be regarded as treason. Oats, [Bedlo] and others wrote a book about the treason of the Catholics, of…
Letter from Alex're Vinsteri [Alexander Winster] to PF. The letter from PF dated 23 August was not only a consolation letter to him and the missionaries, but also to the areas Catholics. They chose children that are sent to the colleges abroad with…
Letter from Alexander Winster to [PF]. He has received the order to recall Gilbertu' Graium [Gilberty Gray] from the mission, but he has not yet been able to do this; he needs money in order to cover Gray's travelling expenses. He also needs a refund…
There are eight missionaries in Scotland. Three of them, Francisc' Blancus [Francis White], Francisc' Macdonell [Francis MacDonell], and Robert Monro work in the northern mountains of Scotland, and on the Hebrides. Six priests there would hardly be…
Statement by Antonio Amarroty, merchant in Marseille, supporting Antonio Di Seravezza's case. Certified by Nicollas [Nicolas] de Bausset from the Marseille seneschalsy.
Letter from Cardinal Antonio Barberini jr. (original and signed) from Paris, 17 August 1663, letting PF know that he had handed the letters patent for the four CM missionaries nominated for the mission to Madagascar (which was sent to him from Rome),…
Letter from Antonio Da Genoa to PF. Approximately 17 months ago he wrote to PF, about his wish to use the opportunity to travel by Pantelleria and Tabarca, to Tunis and Algiers. He would have been able to do this in such a way, that the Lomellini…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to PF. He had previously sent a letter to PF about the poor state of the church of Tunis (which had been caused by the French consul Jean Ambrozin), so that PF would select two priests for this case, and would be well…
Extensive letter from Antonio Di Seravezza, Minor Observant working in Tunis to PF. He writes about the merits of his companion Girolamo Da Sassari, and also about how disastrous it would be, were Jean Le Vacher to receive authority over the mission…
Letter from Boniface Nouelly in Algiers regarding a priest from the Order of Friars Minor (Brother Angelo d'Alteta, from the Province of Ancona), who at the time was owned by a Maur who wanted to exchange him for one of his own relatives, who in turn…
Letter from Boniface Nouelly to PF describing the state of the mission in Algiers and requesting: a) that the apostolic missionary (or general vicar) be given both spiritual and secular authority over the members of religious orders and congregations…
Letter from Carlo D'Ancona to [PF Secretary]. After staying for a long time in Malta he finally arrived in Tunis. There he received the patents of provicar apostolic from Jean Le Vacher. He sends a copy of the patents with the letter. There are five…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Celio Piccolomini to PF, stating that he will talk to the Marshal de la Meilleraye, as the prefect has ordered in his letter dated the 15 October. The nuncio will also explain to him why PF is not willing to appoint…
Letter from the nuncio to France Celio Piccolomini, to PF. He writes regarding the forwarding of a letter from William Ballantyne, prefect of the Scottish mission (159r-160v, 161v (database item 328)), and wants to know if PF is willing to grant…