Statement from Delebar, Delorme, Guiraud, Reymond, Boisson, Amarroty, Casthellane. They declare that Hierosme de Sasseri [Girolamo Da Sassari] and Antoine de Saravezza [Antonio Di Seravezza] were forced to flee from Tunis because of the violent…
Copy of a statement on behalf of Antonio Di Seravezza, a Minor Observant from Rome, who also served as vicar apostolic in Tunis and Tripoli for three years, after he received this authority by Girolamo Da Sassari. In September 1668 he left Tunis for…
Statement by Antonio Amarroty, merchant in Marseille, supporting Antonio Di Seravezza's case. Certified by Nicollas [Nicolas] de Bausset from the Marseille seneschalsy.
Antonio Pasquale, comissionary general of Terra Santa in Marseille certifies that he has made Antonio Di Seravezza, vicar apostolic of Africa and Minor Observant, responsible for the things that have happened in the area of his mission. He has been…
Statement from El Sidy El Hagi Gigeri and Mehamet Langét. They state that they previously held Luis De Palermo [Luigi Da Palermo] as a slave, but that Juan Le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] ransomed him for 650 pessas de ocho realles.
Statement by Jean Dubourdieu. He attests that Jean Le Vacher has ransomed Louis De Palerme [Luigi Da Palermo] for 650 piece de huit, on condition that he would administer the sacraments in Tunis for the duration of three years, in the position of…
Statement by Bernardus Maria, Joannes Cabrold, brother Emmanuel and Ludouicus Rodriguez. These priests in Algiers attest that Joanne’ le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] ransomed Ludouicu a Palermo [Luigi Da Palermo] for 650 scudi in Algiers in 1670. He can…
Statement from Raimondo Zanforte, Dominico Fiarchetti and Giacomo Cadenado. They attest that Gio' Valker [John Walker] has come to Padua, after he had lost movement in the left side of his body four years ago. Not only to give him back his movement…
Petition with five testimonies. Bartolomeo Serrano [Bartolomeo Da Serrano] and Matteo Losana, are both discalced Trinitarians working in the Trinitarian hospitals in Algiers, who now claim their rights. Pope Clement VIII gave a papal bull to the…
Statement by Ferdinando Di Alaba, procurator of the provinces of Castile, Leon, and Navarra, of the order of the Discalced Trinitarians. Di Alaba informs them that the Trintarians have five hospitals in Algiers. The priests of this order take care of…