Unsigned and undated letter asking PF Secretary Ingoli to write a letter to Julien Guérin letting him know that: a) for the Salé mission, two Recollects from Paris have been nominated; and b) he should attend to the business of ransoming the…
Letter from [Cherubino Da Frascati]. He presents himself to PF following his return. The vicar general, Gio' Leuascer [Jean Le Vacher], ordered him to return, as the slave priests complained that they did not receive any alms. After this Le Vacher…
Incomplete letter. The author(s) are relieved that [Jean Le Vacher?] has arrived in Algiers, as in Tunis there has been a division among the Christians. After Le Vacher and Girolamo Da Sassari left, the Christians' devotion in the chapel of S. Luigi…
Letter from Jean Ambrozin, French consul in Tunis, to PF. He writes that Father Girolamo Da Sassari (Capuchin and vicar in Tunis), has received some letters from Jean Le Vacher, in which he announces that he had been appointed vicar apostolic of…
Because PF asked for information about the missionaries in the infidel lands, Marcello Costa has made this report: a) since he arrived in Tunis, the Provicar Luigi Da Palermo assigned four bagnos to him, as there were many Christians that had not…
Letter from Agostino De Rossi and Gioseppe Merino. They write this letter to inform [Jean Le Vacher] about the state of the church of Tunis. Last June they also asked for the copies that Le Vacher sent to Rome, as had been requested. They want to…
Letter from Antonio Catalaro [a slave in Tunis], to [Antonio Di Seravezza]. In another letter dated 24 October, he told Di Seravezza that 24 people converted to Islam, but now on 21 January, there are 60 who have converted, and everyday others…
Letter from Antonio Da Genoa to PF. Approximately 17 months ago he wrote to PF, about his wish to use the opportunity to travel by Pantelleria and Tabarca, to Tunis and Algiers. He would have been able to do this in such a way, that the Lomellini…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to PF. He had previously sent a letter to PF about the poor state of the church of Tunis (which had been caused by the French consul Jean Ambrozin), so that PF would select two priests for this case, and would be well…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza. He sends this letter and the attached document, because of urgent reasons of the Holy faith. Due to the great honors that he received from him, and because of all the things he has done for the church, Antonio Maria…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza. It has been seven months since he left Tunis, where he should be vicar apostolic. He has been forced to leave Tunis, because of several incidents that will become clear from the letter that [Tenente?] Bausset will…
Letter from Gristomo Da Genua [Christomo Da Genova], and Giuseppa Maria De Bologna. Since Gio' LeVascher [Jean Le Vacher] has recently been killed in Algiers by the Barbarians (as has been reported through various channels), they regard it their duty…
Letter from Edmond Jolly to PF. A request has been presented to PF, to declare a CM priest in Algiers missionary apostolic, in order to allow him to continue the services that he has already procured for many years. Giovanni Levacher [Jean Le…
Letter from Francesco Gatta to PF. It has been eight months since he warned PF about some the developments in the church of Tunis. The ship that brought this letter though was taken by Neapolitans and the letters were lost. He stated that the…
Letter from Francesco Gatta to PF. Gatta has informed PF as well as Gio' Levascer [Jean Le Vacher] the vicar apostolic in Algiers, about the most important matters of the mission in Tunis. Le Vacher released Gatta from his side to go to Tunis. Some…
Letter from Giovanni Battista Garbi to PF. The slave Gian Battista Garbi, who used to work in the service of Abbot Carlo Grapi in the court of his Eminence in Poland, threw himself at his knees before his Emminence. He begged his Eminence for some…
Letter from Girolamo Da Sassari to PF in which he describes the persecutions that he and the other Christians suffered in Tunis and how they came to an end. He writes that he has received a letter from Jean Le Vacher saying that he will become vicar…
Letter from Giuseppe Maria Da Bologna and Francesco Gatta to PF. Since Gio' LeVascher [Jean Le Vacher] has recently been killed in Algiers by the Barbarians (as has been reported through various channels), they regard it their duty to report the…
Letter Giuseppe Maria Da Bologna, Francesco Gatta and Vincenzo Da Frascati to Jean Le Vacher. Three days ago they received a letter from Jean Le Vacher, in which he asked them to inform him about the scandals that have been taking place in the church…
Letter from Gio' le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] to PF. From the missionaries of Rome, he received many medals that PF had given him to distribute among the slaves, in order to keep them devoted. They are a great consolation to the slaves, especially now…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher. From the letters he received from PF, he understood that there was no reason to hope that the loss of souls in Barbaria could not be solved, due to not receiving the sacrament of confirmation. The Holy Spirit will have to…
Letter from Gio' Le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] to PF. From the letter that PF has sent to him, Le Vacher understood that PF has been very surprised that he already paid Marcello Costa (who is going to be a missionary in Bizerte), the 30 scudi that was…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to a certain member of the Capuchin order, in which he describes how he ransomed the Capuchin Luigi Da Palermo. Le Vacher used all his money so that Da Palermo could go and work in Tunis. Da Palermo promised to stay there…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to Giuseppe Maria Da Bologna. On 17 September, Le Vacher received Da Bologna's letter dated 24 August, to which he has not answered yet for two reasons. First of all, he lacked the proper commodities, and secondly, because…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to PF. Some days ago Le Vacher received a letter from CM priests, one dated 16 May, and the other of 24 May; the letters listed the many complaints that the Trinitarians have brought against him. They want to be free from…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers, to PF. He writes about his travel to Algiers where he arrived on 24 May. He describes the situation in Algiers, that there are 14,000 or 15,000 Christian slaves, among whom there are around 100…
Letter from the vicar apostolic in Algiers Jean Le Vacher, who writes that he has ransomed a Capuchin (Luigi Da Palermo) for 677 scudi, and that he sent him to Tunis to help the people there. Luigi Da Palermo has also written to Le Vacher about an…
Letter from Gio' LeVacher [Jean Le Vacher] to PF. He received the letter sent by PF dated 10 April 1679, only on 10 September this year. In this letter PF tells him to instruct the Christians in Tripoli to only take the Holy sacraments of their own…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to PF. The provicar of Tunis [Giuseppe Maria Da Bologna] gave Le Vacher some time ago a letter from PF dated 5 April 1680. In this letter PF asks him to inform them about the scandals committed by a Calabrian priest…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to PF. Some days ago he received a letter from a CM superior in Rome, from which Le Vacher understood that Altieri believed that he had extended his jurisdiction over Tripoli, where he had sent a censure of excommunication.…