From 1648 to 1666, ships were sent at different times to Madagascar, with CM priests who had been granted the usual faculties by PF. The first ship brought Carlo Naquart [Charles Nacquart] and Nicolo Gondré [Nicolas Gondrée], and the second brought…
Nicolas Etienne, CM priest, French by birth, was sent to Madagascar in 1662, and arrived there on 29 september 1663. He informed René Alméras of the success of his work in a letter of 15 January 1664. His works should earn him the title of martyr. He…
Report on the Madagascar mission made by CM and given to PF in March 1669. This short report on the Madagascar mission is based on the letters written at various times by CM priests in Madagascar, with the authority of PF. The island of Madagascar is…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF, in which he asks for the appointment of Marin Ignace Roguet as prefect for the Madagascar mission, since the two previous prefects Nicolas Etienne and Michel Maniè have since both died. He also asks for the…
Petition on behalf of the missionaries of Madagascar. In the past few months PF had appointed Michel Manié as prefect of the Madagascar mission. But together with the arrival of news about the death of the previous prefect (Nicolas Etienne), and…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras. Alméras writes that there are not enough priests left in Madagasca since Nicolas Etienne, the previous prefect, has been killed, another missionary has left the island and a third has drowned. He therefore asks for…
The nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de’ Vittori writes to PF, to inform the cardinals that in the East Indies (‘Indie orientali’), France only occupies Madagascar and some small islands. The priests who go there are those sent by CM (‘PP…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. CM superior [René Alméras] asked for faculties for a few priests of his congregation, that he wants to send to the mission in Madagascar. PF decided to send the faculties to de'…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF, asking for the appointment of Jean Jourdie, Gaspar Gonon, Martin Ignace Roguet, Egidio [Gilles] Le Merer, Dionisio [Denis] Le Cornier, Filibert Fardel, Charles Le Roy, Gasparo Stella (all priests of the CM),…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, requesting to add another missionary to the group preparing to leave for Madagascar (see database item 285), considering that the ships have not yet set sail. The name of the priest is Giacomo [Jacques] Bruchan,…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, requesting missionary status for Guiglielmo [Guillaume] Bonable, priest of the diocese of St. Malò in France, in order for him to serve the mission of Madagascar, together with the group of missionaries who are…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, requesting missionary status for François Brision, member of CM, so that he can serve the mission of Madagascar with the other CM missionaries. PF meeting of 9 November 1665 agrees with the request, and orders that…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. CM superior [René Alméras] warned for the need of missionaries for the mission in Madagascar, and he proposed to send two priests, Guglielmo Bonable [Guillaume Bonable] and Fran'co…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. CM superior [René Alméras] proposes 'Giacomo Bruchan' [Jacques Bruchan] as missionary for the mission in Madagascar. PF knows that this mission has a great need for missionaries, and…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. PF sents de Vittori the patents for the missionaries in Madagascar. He should only give them to the missionaries, providing he deems them suitable for the mission. In the case that he…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF, mentioning the six missionaries who had been recently accepted by PF for the island of Madagascar. The petition mentions that the ships have not yet set sail. Taking advantage of the delay, Alméras would like…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras asking for missionary faculties for seven new missionaries for Madagascar: Pierre Cabel, Charles Boussordec, Jacob Le Cointe, Louis Bourot, Pierre Grissard, Sebastien Maquet, and Charles Le Gay. Although no news has…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de’ Vittori to PF, dated November 1664 (exact day not mentioned), letting the cardinals know that he had received the letters patent for the seven priests of CM for Madagascar, which had been written on…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France [Carlo Roberti de’ Vittori]. The superior general of CM [René Alméras] granted some priests missionary faculties for the mission of Madagascar; these have been granted to them. With this letter the patents have…
Report from Madagascar sent by Nicolas Etienne (prefect of the Madagascar mission), to René Alméras, dated 16 January 1664, to be forwarded to PF. The report starts with their journey from France (including quite detailed information about Cape…
Relation on the mission of Madagascar. On the island of Madagascar there are four priests and six brothers, who are all part of CM. At the moment they are all in good health, as has been written in the letters dated 6 March 1669. They are all helping…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras, superior general of CM, asking PF to approve the dispatch of one additional missionary to Madagascar, namely Giacomo Francesco Frachey [Jacob Francois Frachey]; Frachey, a priest from Savoy is not a member of CM,…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras asking PF to approve the dispatch of more missionaries to the island of Madagascar, on account of the "copious spiritual harvest" to be had there. He mentions that those already approved by PF had not left yet, due…
Letter from Cardinal Antonio Barberini jr. (original and signed) from Paris, 17 August 1663, letting PF know that he had handed the letters patent for the four CM missionaries nominated for the mission to Madagascar (which was sent to him from Rome),…
Letter from PF to Car'l Antonio [Antonio Barberini Jr.]. CM superior [René Alméras] proposed the following people for the Madagascar mission, who all priests of CM: Pietro Sconpino Massimiliano, Franc'co Cuvron [Maximilien François Cuvron], Pietro…
Summary of two petitions sent to PF stating: a) the request by René Alméras to declare Nicolas Etienne, Robert Menan and Michel Manie as missionaries in Madagascar, and to also give Etienne the faculties to appoint a vice prefect who will replace him…
Petition on behalf of CM missionaries in Madagascar, asking for solutions to the spiritual needs encountered during the journey to Madagascar. They ask: a) if they may administer sacraments onboard ships other than the one which they initially…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF. He explains that after many obstacles which have impeded CM to send other missionaries to Madagascar, a ship will depart towards the end of December. Since the previous prefect is deceased, Alméras asks that…
Petition on behalf of René Alméras to PF, asking for missionary status for Jacques de la Fosse, Robert Menan, Claude de la Salle, Maximilien François Cuveron [or Cuvron] (all priests of CM), and Michel Manie (lay brother). Alméras asks for prefect…