Letter from Luigi Da Palermo to PF in which he mentions the following issues: a) he had thought that Antonio Di Seravezza was vicar apostolic in Tunis, until he saw a letter from PF to Jean Le Vacher, that clearly stated that Di Seravezza had no such…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo to PF. Luigi writes that after one year in slavery, he now wants to use the little talent he has for the church. He was freed by Giovanni LeVascher [Jean Le Vacher] who paid 500 of the 700 patacche. Le Vacher has given…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo to PF. He writes this letter to inform PF about the situation concerning Antonio Di Seravezza. Di Seravezza has abused the authority of the church and divided the Christians in Tunis, which has created disorder. He has…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo to PF. He confirms that the apostolic vicar in Algiers Jean Le Vacher has freed him, after he was captured from a French ship. The titular archbishop of Erevan, Persia, has arrived in Tunis, which has brought Luigi much…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo. He writes that he is very grateful for everything that has been done for him. He asks for the confirmation of his position as vicar apostolic of Tunis, because some Christians only accept the authority of Antonio Di…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo to PF. He writes that Marcello Costa has arrived in Tunis. His presence was very necessary since there are only four priests and around 10,000 Christians in Tunis. It has not been easy to find a place for Costa to live,…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo (apostolic vicar in Tunis), on the case of Vincenzo Piccinini, who in 1661 brought 21 renegades with his ship to Rome. Piccinini also received 1,000 piastres from the Dey of Tunis in order to free a Turkish slave.…
Petition on behalf of Luigi Da Palermo to PF. Luigi Da Palermo has (previously in a long letter) explained himself, and now humbly returns to PF. He was made slave by Corsairs of Algiers, who was operating under the French flag. During a year in…
Defense of Luigi Da Palermo, and the reasons why he had to travel to Palermo: a) to protect and control the ransoming of slaves in his native Palermo, as one can obtain in a letter sent to PF. He also had to bring the safe conducts from the customs…
Petition on behalf of unknown to PF. Luigi Da Palermo sent a long letter explaining his situation. He has been enslaved in Algiers, and he postponed ransoming himself, in order to work all day and night for the poor souls. His [Capuchin] procurator…