Letters from Jean Le Vacher to [Thomas Berthe], 1655-04-10 and 1655-04-17, Tunis
Letters from Jean Le Vacher to [Thomas Berthe], 1655-04-10 and 1655-04-17, Tunis
Petitions for faculties
Slaves (Christian & Muslim)
Non-Catholic Christians
Two letters from Jean Le Vacher, most probably to the superior of CM house in Rome. He asks him to obtain the following from PF: a) the renewal of his faculties of vicar apostolic; b) the faculty to administer the sacrament of confirmation be included; c) all the books in Arabic that PF normally gives to those who go on missions in partibus infidelium, especially the Holy Scripture; and d) a letter from the slaves in Civitavecchia, which would testify that they had not been treated badly, in order to rectify the trouble that they had brought to the Christians in Tuni,s due to their earlier complaints to the Dey of Tunis. In the second letter he writes that the English have come with 18 warships to demand all the English slaves, but the Dey refused, so in retaliation, the English burned all Tunisian ships which were in Port Farine, and threaten to destroy more if their requests go un-answered. Le Vacher also asks for copies of the Koran, the Torah, and the Gospels in Arab and Latin (if they are available in Rome). Lastly, he asks for specific indulgences. The letters signed and dated 10 and 17 April 1655.
Date received 1655-05-15
Additional comments
Since the letter is in French it is probably not written to PF, because Le Vacher would usually use Italian for that purpose. It is also known that Le Vacher sometimes used Berthe to send letters to Rome. See also: APF SOCG 248, 298r (database item 448).
Jean Le Vacher
APF SOCG 248, 299r-v, 301r
1655-04-10 and 1655-04-17
Addressed to [Thomas Berthe]
Origin: Tunis
Destination: Rome
Jean Le Vacher, “Letters from Jean Le Vacher to [Thomas Berthe], 1655-04-10 and 1655-04-17, Tunis,” Early Modern Documents: Sources and Resources for Historical Research, accessed February 6, 2025, https://earlymoderndocs.omeka.net/items/show/13600.