Vincentian Missionaries in Seventeenth-century Europe and Africa


Vincentian Missionaries in Seventeenth-century Europe and Africa


An annotated collection of primary sources tracing the activities of the Congregation of the Mission in Europe and Africa. The documents listed here are drawn from the Vatican and Propaganda Fide archives and illustrate the missionary activities of the Congregation from its inception (1625) to the last decades of the seventeenth century. They underscore a rich and complex relationship with the Roman Curia and highlight the role of the papacy in shaping early modern religious, cultural and political frontiers in the context of the Catholic Reformation.

Collection Items

Letter from Lorance, vicar apostolic, to PF. Lorance wants to express his gratitude and consolation that was within the letter sent by PF on 12 December last year. This should have ended the problems with the Trinitarians and the English consul,…

Letter from Lorence, vicar apostolic, to PF. Last September Lorence sent two priests away. One of them is member of the Trinitarian order, and is named Gioan Antonio Vello. He had been the administrator of the hospital for nine years. At the end of…

The letter begins with a list of 19 subjects from the papal states, that are slaves in Algiers. Because nobody is trying to free them, there are many subjects of the pope still in slavery in Tunis. They do not profit from the services of the orders…

The Trinitarian procurator states that his order always has mantained hospitals in Algiers, founded at their own expense. From the Holy See they received privileges to find churches and administer the sacraments. They had been doing this for 16…

Petition on behalf of several priests of Calvaire, Bétharram, in the diocese of Lescar, requesting permission to establish a congregation of 24 priests under the title of the Blessed Virgin of the Mount Calvary. 15 years ago a miraculous image of the…

Letter from PF to Cardinal Spada, letting him know about the decision taken in the general congregation held on the 15 January 1627, which instructs him to convince the archbishop of Paris to have the heirs of the late Cardinal de Retz pay the fee…

Cardinal Spada informs PF that the archbishop of Paris is heir (but not beneficiary) of the late Cardinal de Retz, and that he could perhaps be "lured" to pay the fee for his late brother's cardinal ring (which had not been paid) by way of a brief…

Minutes of SC general meeting allowing the Capuchins to hear the confessions not only of heretics, but also of Catholics (and to grant them indulgences) throughout France, with the exception of important towns and cities.

Letter from PF to Cardinal Spada, letting him know that the cardinals of PF do not think it is a good idea that the pope write a letter to the archbishop of Paris asking him to pay the cardinal ring fee. Instead, PF asks Cardinal Bentivogli to write…

Minutes of PF general meeting discussing, among other things, the request by the Count of Joigny to grant the Capuchins from his town the faculty to hear the confessions of the town dwellers; PF asks for the opinion of the curia's procurator, who…

Cardinal Spada informs PF that his efforts with the archbishop of Paris (regarding the cardinal ring fee issue) had the same effect as those of the former nuncio to France, Cardinal Bentivoglio. Spada says that details about the latter are attached,…

Minutes of PF general meeting discussing, among other things, the issue of the cardinal fee due by the heirs of the late Cardinal de Retz.

Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, letting him know about the response of the archbishop of Paris to Cardinal Bentivoglio (attached on a separate paper and filed not in this volume, but in the SOCG collection),…

Minutes of PF general meeting rejecting the request by the count of Joigny to allow the Capuchins to instruct, hear confessions, and teach the catechism to the soldiers and sailors working on the triremes under his control.

Minutes of PF general meeting discussing, among other things, the first petition for approval of the CM. PF asks for more information from the nuncio.

Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, enclosing a decree regarding CM (the text of the decree itself was not filed in this volume) and asking for more information on Vincent de Paul's congregation, as detailed in…

The new nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, lets PF know that the solution suggested by PF in a letter from 20 May 1627, namely to collect the fee for the ring of late Cardinal de Retz via litigation with the owners of his goods,…

French notarized copy collating two earlier documents: a) the CM foundation act (17 April 1625); and b) its approval by the archbishop of Paris (24 April 1626). The collation was sent to PF with the aim of having CM approved as a mission in 1627.

Latin translation of a notarized compilation of two earlier documents in French, namely the CM foundation act (17 April 1625) and its approval by the archbishop of Paris (24 April 1626). The French notarized version (dated 12 August 1627) was sent to…

Minutes of PF general meeting discussing a letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, who let the cardinals know that the archbishop of Paris had promised to pay the overdue cardinal fee of his late brother. See the attached…

François Veron's reply to PF's response regarding his proposal to establish a Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in France; he also wants to send a book he wrote on the method of disputing against heretics.

Letter from the nuncio to France, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, recommending CM in support of its first 1628 petition for approval by PF.

Minutes of PF general meeting approving the establishement of CM as a "mission" (after having rejected two petitions requesting the approval of its establishment as a "congregation").

Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, asking him to let Vincent de Paul know that PF approved his mission.

The general of the triremes (Philippe-Emmanuel de Gondi) asks Cardinal Spada to obtain a brief from the pope ordering the superior of the Capuchins of Provence to send thirteen priests "to instruct, hear confessions and teach the catechism to the…

Petition on behalf of Blaise Le Féron on behalf of CM, requesting its confirmation by PF as a mission. Approved by PF in November 1627.

Summary of petition submitted by Philippe-Emmanuel de Gondi, count of Joigny, general of Triremes, requesting PF to grant the Capuchins the license to hear confessions on the land of Joigny, because the inhabitants of the land are ignorant of…

Copy of a letter fragment from the archbishop of Paris to Cardinal Bentivoglio regarding the cardinal ring fee, in which the archbishop explains that it is not his responsibility to pay it.

Petition on behalf of Blaise Le Féron, requesting the approval of the CM as a mission. Approved by PF in November 1627.

Letters from François Veron relating news on heretics in France and requesting the support of PF for his congregation. The note indicates that PF was going to advise Veron to start by approaching the nuncio for support, and that the nuncio's approval…
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