Letter from Alexander Winster to PF, 1675-04-25


Letter from Alexander Winster to PF, 1675-04-25


Scottish colleges


Letter from Alex're Vinsteri [Alexander Winster] to PF. The letter from PF dated 23 August was not only a consolation letter to him and the missionaries, but also to the areas Catholics. They chose children that are sent to the colleges abroad with care. The missionaries do not only work in the parishes of 'Galovicha' [Galloway?], but also in Edinburgh and others. There are more missionaries needed, especially in the highlands there are very few. There are even more subjects than missionaries? There is a total of six chalices and six casulas for six complete chapels. There is one for Marc' Macdanel [Mark MacDonell], one for Ro' Monro [Robert Monro], one for Joanis Irvin Debeltre [John Irvin "Beltry"], another one for Alex Irvinus [Alexander Irvin], one for David Burnett and finally there is one close to Scotiae superiores to be used by missionaries who are staying there. For years the missionaries have been looking for students for the colleges. He would rather not see that there would come a bishop to Scotland to administer the sacraments of the confirmation. It would be very hard for him to reach Scotland. Moreover, it could create an uproar and renew the persecution. Regular as wel as secular priests should be send to the mission. He told Franciscum LeBlanc [Francis White] to send two priests to the Scottish Highlands. The laws in England are harder for Catholics than in Scotland. They have made a lot of progress, especially in the northern Scotland and in particular on the Hebrides. This is the work of Francis White, Francis MacDonell and Robert Monro. In some parishes of 600 people there are only 10 or 20 protestants left. The protestant preachers hardly ever come to this northern regions. Davidis Burnetti [David Burnet] is working in the areas of marquess Huntly and the amount of Catholics has risen significantly. David Burnet needs to recover in France. Barclaio [Robert Barclay] will be very happy to receive him in the Scottish college, where he can help the youth in their education. Winster hopes that Georgium Gordon [George Gordon], who is currently studying in the Scottish college in Paris, will be able to take his place. John Irvin "Beltry" has been in the mission for eight years in Marr and Aberdeen and would like to get permission to retreit to a benedictine monastery in Germany. Alexander Irvin is staying somewhere in Tiotdale a place where many puritans live. Later he went to Mercia and Edinburgh. Georgius Innes has been working in Galloway for a year. Unfortunately, his parents have not given him any provision. That is why Winster asks PF to give it to him. Sometimes Innes also needs to work in Edinburgh, Angus or in the region of the marquess Huntley. They want to send one missionary to each diocese, but there are fourteen dioceses and only nine missionaries, and three of them are on the islands where more than five missionaries would be needed since there are more than 4.000 Catholics. In the area of marquess Huntly more than two missionaries are needed. The children from southern Scotland cannot go to the school in the Highlands, which is very far away and the language and customs are very different. The school is very usefull though in forming the children and learning them some doctrine. Winster also asks to send a visitation to the mission in Scotland.
Date discussed: 1676-01-10
Additional comments


Alexander Winster


APF SOCG 457, 135r-136v




Adressed to PF


For the minutes of the PF meeting where this matter was discussed, see: APF ACTA 46, 2r, 9v-12r.
There is also a version from the SOCG of the aforementioned summary: APF SOCG 457, 128r-130v, 138r-v, 144v (database item 787).


Original: signed








Origin: [unknown]
Destination: [Rome]


Alexander Winster, “Letter from Alexander Winster to PF, 1675-04-25,” Early Modern Documents: Sources and Resources for Historical Research, accessed April 28, 2024, https://earlymoderndocs.omeka.net/items/show/13166.