Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to PF. He had previously sent a letter to PF about the poor state of the church of Tunis (which had been caused by the French consul Jean Ambrozin), so that PF would select two priests for this case, and would be well…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo to PF. He writes that Marcello Costa has arrived in Tunis. His presence was very necessary since there are only four priests and around 10,000 Christians in Tunis. It has not been easy to find a place for Costa to live,…
Letter from Luigi Da Palermo (apostolic vicar in Tunis), on the case of Vincenzo Piccinini, who in 1661 brought 21 renegades with his ship to Rome. Piccinini also received 1,000 piastres from the Dey of Tunis in order to free a Turkish slave.…
Letter from PF to Luigi Da Palermo, missionary in Tripoli. In Tripoli PF has founded a mission of Reformed Friar Minors to help the Christian slaves. PF has written a letter to the Trinitarian Fathers to ask if they could try to ransom Vincenzo…
Letter from PF to the procurator general of four churches in Rome: Santa Francesca, [now Santa Maria Nova?], S. Carlino [San Carlo alle quattro fonte?], S. Dionisio and S. Adriano [San Adriano al Foro?]. PF asks them to save Vincenzo Piccinini who…
Statement from El Sidy El Hagi Gigeri and Mehamet Langét. They state that they previously held Luis De Palermo [Luigi Da Palermo] as a slave, but that Juan Le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] ransomed him for 650 pessas de ocho realles.
Statement by Jean Dubourdieu. He attests that Jean Le Vacher has ransomed Louis De Palerme [Luigi Da Palermo] for 650 piece de huit, on condition that he would administer the sacraments in Tunis for the duration of three years, in the position of…
Statement by Bernardus Maria, Joannes Cabrold, brother Emmanuel and Ludouicus Rodriguez. These priests in Algiers attest that Joanne’ le Vacher [Jean Le Vacher] ransomed Ludouicu a Palermo [Luigi Da Palermo] for 650 scudi in Algiers in 1670. He can…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to PF. They probably know by now that Luigi Da Palermo has returned to Sicily, and has left the mission of Tunis. Le Vacher had ransomed him for 650 piastre and given him the position of provicar apostolic for three years.…
Letter from PF to Gio' Levacher [Jean Le Vacher], vicar apostolic of Algiers. PF understands that Le Vacher has always cared for the Christians who stay in the areas assigned to him. It is also well known to PF that Le Vacher has always tried to…
Letter from PF to 'Abb'e Catalone.' Included in the letter is the report on everything that happened in Algiers between Bartolomeo Da Serrano (a Trinitarian), and the vicar apostolic; also added are the writings of the vicar apostolic and decisions…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher to a certain member of the Capuchin order, in which he describes how he ransomed the Capuchin Luigi Da Palermo. Le Vacher used all his money so that Da Palermo could go and work in Tunis. Da Palermo promised to stay there…
The procurator of the Trinitarian order Michele Da Santo Ludovico, writes that his order was founded in the times of Innocent III under the pretence to free Christian slaves. He reports that since their founding, they have done a lot for the church;…
PF summary on the case of Luigi Da Palermo, a Capuchin who left the mission of Tunis. The summary includes the viewpoint of both the Capuchin commissary of Sicily, Gioseppe d’Ica, and Luigi Da Palermo himself about his work as a missionary, and the…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 30 May 1672 discussing among other issues, a letter from the vicar apostolic of Algiers [Jean Le Vacher] from 13 November. He requests PF to decide among the following options: a) that the Capuchin Father Luigi Da…
Letter from Pallavicino to PF Prefect. There has been some uproar in Barbaria, because of the voluntary conversion of two girls to Christianity. Because of the orders given to him by PF on 14 July 1672, he has informed PF about the situation in a…
Because the republic of Venice has been very compassionate about her subjects that have been kept as slaves in Barbaria, she has decided to ransom some of them; this is why Venice wants to send Capuchins from her lands to these regions. For this…
Summary of the reports from the Barbaria mission. In July 1672 the provicar of Tunis sent a letter to PF, stating that in Malta two young girls were converted to Christianity. Because they wanted to gather more information, they wrote to the…
Petition on behalf of Luigi Da Palermo to PF. Luigi Da Palermo has (previously in a long letter) explained himself, and now humbly returns to PF. He was made slave by Corsairs of Algiers, who was operating under the French flag. During a year in…
Letter from Giovanni Battista Garbi to PF. The slave Gian Battista Garbi, who used to work in the service of Abbot Carlo Grapi in the court of his Eminence in Poland, threw himself at his knees before his Emminence. He begged his Eminence for some…
Summary of the case of Luigi Da Palermo. The Capuchin Commissary General Gios'e Da Ica [Gioseppe Da Ica] has brought a case to PF against Luigi [Da Palermo]. He reports that Luigi did not live a good religious life, and that he took 250 piastre from…
Defense of Luigi Da Palermo, and the reasons why he had to travel to Palermo: a) to protect and control the ransoming of slaves in his native Palermo, as one can obtain in a letter sent to PF. He also had to bring the safe conducts from the customs…
Petition on behalf of unknown to PF. Luigi Da Palermo sent a long letter explaining his situation. He has been enslaved in Algiers, and he postponed ransoming himself, in order to work all day and night for the poor souls. His [Capuchin] procurator…
Minutes of PF general meeting of 29 March 1678 discussing among other issues, a petition on behalf of the Venetian slaves in Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. They ask that PF allow two Capuchins per city for the purpose of handling ransom money, because…
Letter Giuseppe Maria Da Bologna, Francesco Gatta and Vincenzo Da Frascati to Jean Le Vacher. Three days ago they received a letter from Jean Le Vacher, in which he asked them to inform him about the scandals that have been taking place in the church…
Petition on behalf of Venetian slaves in Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. They ask that PF allow two Capuchins per each city to handle financial matters, as they have nobody from their own region who they can rely on for their ransom. At present they have…
Letter from Jean Le Vacher. From the letters he received from PF, he understood that there was no reason to hope that the loss of souls in Barbaria could not be solved, due to not receiving the sacrament of confirmation. The Holy Spirit will have to…
Letter from Francesco Gatta to PF. It has been eight months since he warned PF about some the developments in the church of Tunis. The ship that brought this letter though was taken by Neapolitans and the letters were lost. He stated that the…
Letter from Vincenzo Da Frascati to PF. Since he returned to Rome, he wants to give PF some information on the state of the mission. They tried to keep all the Catholics in the church and convert others, however the Turks could not be converted.…
Statement by Ferdinando Di Alaba, procurator of the provinces of Castile, Leon, and Navarra, of the order of the Discalced Trinitarians. Di Alaba informs them that the Trintarians have five hospitals in Algiers. The priests of this order take care of…