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- Tags: Petitions for missionary patents
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Letter from [Mark and Francis] MacDonnell to [William] Lesley, 1668-03-10
Copy of a letter from the Fathers MacDonnelli [Mark and Francis MacDonnell], sent from Edinburgh to [William] Lesley. They describe the difficulties they encountered during their journey, their shipwreck, their illness, and the loss of all their…
Petition on behalf of some Irish missionaries to PF [1661]
Petition on behalf of Irish priests Carlo Horano [Charles Horan?], Giouanni Borgo [John Borough?], Bianchi [Francis White], and Giouanni Suineo [John MacSwiney?] to PF, asking for missionary faculties and provisions, so that they can work under the…
Petition on behalf of [William Lesley] to PF, [1666]
Petition on behalf of the procurator of the Scottish mission [William Lesley] to PF, in which he asks for the renewal of the faculties of the missionaries in Scotland: Giouanni Valchero [John Walker], Gilberto Graio [Gilbert Gray], and Francesco…
Petition on behalf of Fra Alberto Di San Michele to PF, [1650]
Petition on behalf of Fra Alberto Di San Michele (a Discalced Carmelite), requesting a renewal of his patent (as prefect of the mission), and a subsidy from PF to cover travel and initial expenses in Madagascar. He states that he has not been able to…
Letter from Alexander Lesley to PF, 1675-04-06, Elgin
Letter from Alexander Leslaeus [Alexander Lesley] to PF. It has been three years since he went to Scotland to work for the mission. He certainly made progress, especially in Banff [Bamffensi], Aberdeen, Mernensi? [Nairn?] and Angus. In these places…
Letter from the PF prefect, Antonio Barberini jr., to [PF], 1663-08-17, Paris
Letter from Cardinal Antonio Barberini jr. (original and signed) from Paris, 17 August 1663, letting PF know that he had handed the letters patent for the four CM missionaries nominated for the mission to Madagascar (which was sent to him from Rome),…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to [PF], 1671-01-11, Cagliari
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to PF. He had previously sent a letter to PF about the poor state of the church of Tunis (which had been caused by the French consul Jean Ambrozin), so that PF would select two priests for this case, and would be well…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to [PF], 1670-07-02, Tunis
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to PF. They already heard from Girolamo Da Sassari about the things that Gio' Ambrogini [Jean Ambrozin] has done. He took the alms intended for the church, and his successor Gio' Livighieri [Jean Le Vacher] continued…
Petition on behalf of [James Tyree] and mister [Blackall] to PF
Petition on behalf of mister Blaccallo [Blackall?] and Giacomo Tirio [James Tyree?] both Scottish priests living in Paris, to PF. They ask for the missionary faculties, a travel provision, the normal provisions, and the necessary sacred ornaments.…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori, to PF, 1666-11-19, Paris
Letter from the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori, to PF. He writes that two Franciscan priests from Ireland have come to him: Marco Macdaniel and Francesco Macdaniel [Mark and Francis MacDonnell?]. They are both willing to go to the…
Petition on behalf of Claude Dufour to PF [1656]
Petition on behalf of Claude Dufour requesting PF to accept him as a member of CM, despite his earlier statement that he wanted to become member of a religious order. Even though CM is not a religious order, they also have vows of poverty, chastity,…
Petition on behalf of CM Superior Edme Jolly to PF, [1681]
Petition on behalf of Edme Jolly, superior of CM to PF. He asks that PF give Andrea l’Escuier [André L'Escuier] missionary status and faculties, so that he can go to Algiers to help Jean Le Vacher, who has fallen ill and therefore cannot assist the…
Petition on behalf of Francis White to PF, [1664]
Petition on behalf of Francis White to PF asking for missionary faculties, as a continuation of the annual provision to which PF already consented. PF agrees to it during the meeting of 17 November 1664. The petition is unsigned and undated.
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher to PF, [1668-1671]
Petition on behalf of Jean Le Vacher. He asks for the copies of the letters that PF has sent to him, in the case he loses one (as sometimes happens), he will still have the other. He especially asks for the copies of the letters about the spiritual…
Tags: Algiers, Destination: Rome, Innocentius X; Cardinal Pamphili; Dionisio Massari; Antonio Barberinus Jr.; Cardinal Chigi; Girolamo Casanata; Scipio Costaguti, Jean le Vacher; Federico Baldeschi, Letter, Origin: unknown, Other religious orders, Petition, Petitions for faculties, Petitions for missionary patents, Slave priests, Slaves (Christian), Tripoli, Tunis
Letter from Isodoro di San Giovanni to the PF secretary [Dionisio Massari], [1649]
Letter from Isodoro di San Giovanni, procurator of the Discalced Carmelites, to PF secretary, Dionisio Massari. He writes about an earlier decision of PF regarding the Madagascar mission (including the decision that two CM missionaries who had been…
Letter from Marcello Costa to the PF prefect [Paluzio Altieri], 1674-04-12, tunis
Letter from Marcello Costa to PF prefect. In a letter from 30 September 1673 PF asked him to help two Tinitarians, Francesco Arendieta and Francesco Ruiz; they are still in Tabarca, but will need to be supported once they arrive. On 5 March two…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno, to the PF secretary [Dionisio Massari], 1650-10-28, Paris
Letter from the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno to PF. He asks for missionary patents for the Madagascar mission for seven candidates, so that Vincent de Paul can send them when the next ship is ready to depart (which is only once every year…
Letter from Nicolò Guidi di Bagno to the PF prefect [Luigi Capponi], 1650-10-07, Paris
Letter from the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno to PF, accompanying the petition of Vincent de Paul, in which Vincent de Paul asks that Dermot Duiguin and Francis White be made missionaries for the Hebrides and Highlands of Scotland (APF SOCG…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno, to the PF secretary [Dionisio Massari], 1650-04-22, Paris
Letter from nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno to PF, in which he says he is forwarding a letter written by Vincent de Paul. The nuncio moreover thanks PF for the dispatch addressed to Guglielmo Bauentin [William Ballantyne], and his companion;…
Letter from PF to Cardinal Norfolk, 1680-04-30, Rome
Letter from PF to Cardinal Norfolk, stating that the cardinals have decided to forward to him the request for faculties of Alexander Winster (prefect of the Scottish mission). The request was made on behalf of the missionary who has taken the place…
PF minutes, 1679-09-11, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 11 September 1679 discussing among other issues; a) the disagreements between Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers, and the Trinitarians who work in the five hospitals of the city; and b) a report by Jean Le…
PF minutes, 1674-06-26, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 26 June 1674 discussing among other issues, a letter from Carlo d'Ancona. Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Algiers, has sent him to be provicar in Tunis. D'Ancona reports on the state of the mission, and mentions…
Summary of SOCG 535, 1672-08-02
PF Summary of SOCG 435. Robert Monro, a missionary in Scotland, writes in a letter that: a) he has not been able to serve the mission as he wanted, because of a persecution in Scotland that started after letters of Jesuits were found. This happened…
PF minutes, 1660-09-06, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 6 September 1660 discussing among other issues, a request by the Marshal de La Meilleraye that a bishop and other priests may be appointed for the Madagascar mission; the request is heartily supported by the nuncio to…
PF minutes, 1650-09-06, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 6 September 1650 discussing among other issues, a petition sent on behalf of Vincent de Paul, requesting that he may send some of his missionaries to Madagascar. The cardinals decide that he should present them to the…
PF minutes, 1658-05-13, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 13 May 1658 discussing among other issues, the request by a group of secular French priests who having already lived together for eight years, had formed a sort of seminary, where they are trained for the missions.…
PF minutes, 1656-03-27, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 27 March 1656 discussing among other issues, a petition on behalf of Vincent de Paul requesting faculties for two more priests that he would like to send to Madagascar. The priests' names are François Herbron and…
Letter from PF to the nuncio [Nicolò Guidi di Bagno], [1656]-03-27, Rome
Copy of a letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno, stating that the cardinals have declared Franc'co [François] Herbron and Fran'co [François] Boussordec, missionaries for the mission in Madagascar. PF sends the nuncio the…
PF minutes, 1655-11-22, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 22 November 1655 discussing among other issues, the request by the nuncio to France to declare "Io’em/ Giguel, et Maturinum de Belle Ville" [Jean Gicquel and Maturin de Belleville] missionaries, and give them the…
PF minutes, 1655-08-16, Rome
Minutes of PF general meeting of 16 August 1655 discussing among other issues, a petition by Vincent de Paul to confirm the candidates that the nuncio to France has chosen for the Madagascar mission: "D. Fran’ci Mousnier, et D. Toussani"…