Petition on behalf of the missionaries of Madagascar. In the past few months PF had appointed Michel Manié as prefect of the Madagascar mission. But together with the arrival of news about the death of the previous prefect (Nicolas Etienne), and…
Petition [from CM] to PF. It recalls the fact that CM has been sending missionaries to Algiers and Tunis to help spiritually and materially the thousands of slaves in those cities, which they have been doing with great success. Since free priests are…
Petition on behalf of Gio' Guerino [Julien Guérin] priest of CM and missionary in Tunis, to PF. He asks for the missionary faculties which he still has not received. He needs them to absolve many cases and to bless the things that he needs for mass.…
Petition on behalf of Gio' Guerino [Julien Guérin] priest of CM and missionary in Tunis, to PF. He asks for the missionary faculties that he still has not received. Underneath the text of the petition the superior of CM in Rome, Joannes Dorineus…
Letter from CM superior in Rome, in which he responds to the following three accusations made against Jean Le Vacher, vicar apostolic in Tunis: a) that he is both vicar apostolic and consul of France, and that this is damaging to his office of the…
Petition on behalf of Irish priests Carlo Horano [Charles Horan?], Giouanni Borgo [John Borough?], Bianchi [Francis White], and Giouanni Suineo [John MacSwiney?] to PF, asking for missionary faculties and provisions, so that they can work under the…
Petition on behalf of the Scottish missionaries asking for the reconfirmation of the missionary faculties of the following missionaries, which will expire in 1660: Gulielmo Bannatino [William Ballantyne], Giouanni Valchero [John Walker], Giouanni…
Petition on behalf of the procurator of the Scottish mission [William Lesley] to PF. In the letter he mentions several abuses in the Scottish mission, and advises PF to send Alexander Lesley as a visitor to the mission. The notes of the meeting of 16…
Petition on behalf of the procurator of the Scottish mission [William Lesley] to PF, in which he asks for the renewal of the faculties of the missionaries in Scotland: Giouanni Valchero [John Walker], Gilberto Graio [Gilbert Gray], and Francesco…
Petition on behalf of the Scottish missionaries to PF including the following issues: a) the need of funding of a house where missionaries of the Scottish mission can retire; b) a list of the remaining missionaries (which are said to be too few)…
Petition on behalf of Fra Alberto Di San Michele (a Discalced Carmelite), requesting a renewal of his patent (as prefect of the mission), and a subsidy from PF to cover travel and initial expenses in Madagascar. He states that he has not been able to…
Petition on behalf of Discalced Carmelite Alberto Di San Michele [Albert de Saint Michel?] prefect of the mission to Madagascar, and his companions, requesting a renewal of his patent (as prefect of the mission) and a subsidy from PF to cover travel…
Petition on behalf of Benjamin-Joseph Huguier, appointed by PF apostolic vicar in Algiers, asking for the usual missionary faculties. PF note on 49v. indicates that the cardinals have decided to send the request to the Holy Office. The petition is…
Petition on behalf of mister Blaccallo [Blackall?] and Giacomo Tirio [James Tyree?] both Scottish priests living in Paris, to PF. They ask for the missionary faculties, a travel provision, the normal provisions, and the necessary sacred ornaments.…
Petition on behalf of Brother Léonard. Faculties requested by the provincial of the Capuchins from the Paris province, so that their mission in that province may continue with good results, according to the suggestions of the nuncio to France. The…
Petition asking the pope to confirm the establishment of the Congregation of Priests and Missionaries of the Clergy (Congregatio Parochorum et Missionariorum Cleri), and the election of Christophe Authier as its director. Attached is a copy of…
Petition on behalf of Claude Dufour requesting PF to accept him as a member of CM, despite his earlier statement that he wanted to become member of a religious order. Even though CM is not a religious order, they also have vows of poverty, chastity,…
Petition for permission that CM priests may grant plenary indulgence to those who make general or particular confession, as well as indulgence for ten years to those who listen to their exhortations. The petition also requests that CM members receive…
Domenico Jafurt the procurator general of the Trinitarians, responds about the case of Bartolomeo Da Serrano, who works in Algiers without a license from the vicar apostolic [Jean Le Vacher]. Jafurt states that Bartolomeo does have permision to do…
Petition on behalf of Domenico Jafurt, Trinitarian procurator general. From the letters sent by [Bartolomeo Da] Serrano, one can understand that things are described very differently, than how the Vicar General of Carthage [Jean Le Vacher] presents…
Petition on behalf of Edme Jolly superior of CM, to PF. He asks that Michel Monmasson (priest of CM), be appointed vicar apostolic of Algiers, to replace Jean Le Vacher who has passed away. The petition was discussed during the meeting of 8 January…
Petition on behalf of Edme Jolly, superior of CM to PF. He asks that PF give Andrea l’Escuier [André L'Escuier] missionary status and faculties, so that he can go to Algiers to help Jean Le Vacher, who has fallen ill and therefore cannot assist the…
Petition on behalf of Capuchin Father Hyacinth, requesting PF's confirmation of the "Company of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross," which he had established in Paris with the approval of the archbishop of Paris, with the main goal of converting…
Petition on behalf of the Trinitarian procurator of Castile, Leon and Navarra, Ferdinando Di Alaba. The Trinitarians have five hospitals in Algiers. Here, the priests do not only take care of the slaves, but they also preach the gospel, celebrate…
Petition on behalf of Francesco Gatta and Giovanni Battista de Bonis (priests from the diocese of Matera), to PF. They ask for the faculties to go to the mission of Algiers, and PF notes mention that the same request has been discussed during the PF…
Petition on behalf of Francesco Guevara asking for 1,000 pezze, that he deems to be his legitimate property, especially now that the Dey and his heirs have passed away. He states that after he arrived with Giuseppe Guevara, and Serafino and Vincenzo…
Petition on behalf of Francis White to PF asking for missionary faculties, as a continuation of the annual provision to which PF already consented. PF agrees to it during the meeting of 17 November 1664. The petition is unsigned and undated.