Letter from John Walker to [the prefect of PF]. It has been four years since he has not been able to move the left part of his body. He had been forced to leave Aberdeen for Edinburgh, and to stay there for a year to recover his health. He used all…
Statement from Raimondo Zanforte, Dominico Fiarchetti and Giacomo Cadenado. They attest that Gio' Valker [John Walker] has come to Padua, after he had lost movement in the left side of his body four years ago. Not only to give him back his movement…
Letter from John Walker to PF. He is asking PF for help since he is sick. He has been working for the Scottish mission for 22 years, not only has he administered the sacrements and teached the Holy faith, but he also wrote a book defending…
Letter from [Francesco] Barberini to [the prefect of PF]. He presents the public merits and the private problems of Giovanni Valcher [John Walker]. He has worked for 22 years for the Scottisch mission, and eventually as superior for the other…