Anonymous report with news about various Franciscan, Capuchin, Jesuit, and Carmelite missionaries to Pegu and Persia, Africa and India; in Madagascar there is just one missionary left because his companion died. The report also states that Marshal de…
Copy of PF decree dated 30 January 1662, aiming to appoint a missionary (yet to be chosen and name left blank), to replace Nicolas Etienne (of CM) as prefect of the Madagascar mission, in case of Etienne's death or absence.
Report from Madagascar sent by Nicolas Etienne (prefect of the Madagascar mission), to René Alméras, dated 16 January 1664, to be forwarded to PF. The report starts with their journey from France (including quite detailed information about Cape…
Letter written by a Discalced Carmelite [possibly Pierre de Piviers] to PF about the situation in Madagascar. The letter notes that he has heard from merchants of the Compagnie, that secular missionaries have been sent to Madagascar the previous…
Letter from Vincent de Paul to [Dionisio Massari] in which he thanks him for his letter, and congratulates him for his new position as Secretary of PF; addressee implied from content, Dionisio Massari became Secretary in August 1649.
Letter from Vincent de Paul to PF, in which he discusses the conversation he had with one of the captains, who was due to leave for Madagascar. According to the captain, communication with the island has been interrupted and is not likely to be…
Vincent de Paul writes to [Cardinal Capponi] about the delay in his plan to send four more priests to Madagascar; the delay was down to lack of transportation, as the merchants who had promised to take the four missionaries with them, have postponed…
Letter from Giacomo Di Santa Teresa, a Discalced Carmelite, in which he writes about having to send the report on Madagascar, instead of personally handing it over, because he sees no opportunity of leaving his convent during the busy Christmas…
Letter from Isodoro di San Giovanni, procurator of the Discalced Carmelites, to PF secretary, Dionisio Massari. He writes about an earlier decision of PF regarding the Madagascar mission (including the decision that two CM missionaries who had been…
Letter from PF to Car'l Antonio [Antonio Barberini Jr.]. CM superior [René Alméras] proposed the following people for the Madagascar mission, who all priests of CM: Pietro Sconpino Massimiliano, Franc'co Cuvron [Maximilien François Cuvron], Pietro…
Letter from PF to Car'le Antonio [Antonio Barberini Jr.]. CM superior general [René Alméras] informed PF about the great need for missionaries in Madagscar, as most have died. Due to these circumstances, Giacomo della Fossa [Jacques de La Fosse],…
Copy of a letter from PF to Vincent de Paul. PF writes that some Recollects have proposed to go to Madagascar, in order to address the great need of missionaries in the mission. The cardinals, however, chose to first ask Vincent de Paul, as some of…
Copy of a letter from PF to Vincent de Paul, stating that since there is no ship currently ready to depart for Madagascar, Vincent de Paul should make sure that his missionaries will be ready for the next departure, which will be in September. The…
Letter from PF to CM. PF is delighted to announce that the missionaries proposed by CM Superior General [René Alméras] have been accepted. With this letter, they send the necessary faculties and patents, and praise the piety of the missionaries who…
Copy of a letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno, stating that the cardinals have declared Franc'co [François] Herbron and Fran'co [François] Boussordec, missionaries for the mission in Madagascar. PF sends the nuncio the…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France [Carlo Roberti de’ Vittori]. The superior general of CM [René Alméras] granted some priests missionary faculties for the mission of Madagascar; these have been granted to them. With this letter the patents have…
Copy of a letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno. The cardinals have accepted the apology of Vincent de Paul regarding the mission of Madagascar, and they have also conceded the mission to the two priests going there, as can be…
Copy of a letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Nicolò Guidi di Bagno. The nuncio is asked to choose from the seven candidates proposed by Vincent de Paul for the mission in Madagascar, those he deems suitable, and the number he thinks will suffice…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. PF sents de Vittori the patents for the missionaries in Madagascar. He should only give them to the missionaries, providing he deems them suitable for the mission. In the case that he…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. CM superior [René Alméras] proposes 'Giacomo Bruchan' [Jacques Bruchan] as missionary for the mission in Madagascar. PF knows that this mission has a great need for missionaries, and…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. CM superior [René Alméras] warned for the need of missionaries for the mission in Madagascar, and he proposed to send two priests, Guglielmo Bonable [Guillaume Bonable] and Fran'co…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de' Vittori. CM superior [René Alméras] asked for faculties for a few priests of his congregation, that he wants to send to the mission in Madagascar. PF decided to send the faculties to de'…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France, Celio Piccolomini. Due to the death of Carlo Naqueart [Charles Nacquart], there is a vacancy in the position of prefect of the mission of Madagascar. CM superior [Vincent de Paul] has proposed Tonsano…
Letter from PF to the nuncio to France [Celio Piccolomini]. The Maresciallo della Miglieré [Marquis de La Meilleraye] promoted the foundation of a bishopric on the island of Madagascar. However at the moment, they do not yet have the necessary…
Letter from the Capuchin Pierre de Piviers to Cardinal Capponi requesting a salvoconduct for a number of Capuchin missionaries. At the end of Piviers' letter there is a note suggesting to send a mission to Madagascar, as there are rich and affluent…
Pierre de Piviers writes to PF that it is very harmful for the mission in Madagascar, that a Huguenot is captain of the French fortress. He asks that Luigi Capponi write to the queen of France, and to Cardinal Mazzarin, requesting that they change…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de’ Vittori to PF, dated November 1664 (exact day not mentioned), letting the cardinals know that he had received the letters patent for the seven priests of CM for Madagascar, which had been written on…
The nuncio to France, Carlo Roberti de’ Vittori writes to PF, to inform the cardinals that in the East Indies (‘Indie orientali’), France only occupies Madagascar and some small islands. The priests who go there are those sent by CM (‘PP…
Letter from the nuncio to France, Celio Piccolomini to PF, in which he states that since PF has agreed to the request sent by Marshal de La Meilleraye to appoint a bishop for Madagascar on 14 June 1660, Marshal has now proposed three candidates, all…