Petition on behalf of Luigi Da Palermo. He has been named vicar apostolic of Tunis, and vicar general of Carthage by Gio' Le Vascier [Jean Le Vascer]. During the year, he has written letters but had not recieved any answeres. He travelled to…
Defense of Luigi Da Palermo, and the reasons why he had to travel to Palermo: a) to protect and control the ransoming of slaves in his native Palermo, as one can obtain in a letter sent to PF. He also had to bring the safe conducts from the customs…
Letter from Giovanni Battista Garbi to PF. The slave Gian Battista Garbi, who used to work in the service of Abbot Carlo Grapi in the court of his Eminence in Poland, threw himself at his knees before his Emminence. He begged his Eminence for some…
Letter from PF to Alexander Lesley. It announces that the cardinals have chosen him as a visitor of Scotland, and that for this purpose he should use the instruction that was attached to the original letter. He will receive 100 scudi for his…
Petition on behalf of Luigi Da Palermo to PF. Luigi Da Palermo has (previously in a long letter) explained himself, and now humbly returns to PF. He was made slave by Corsairs of Algiers, who was operating under the French flag. During a year in…
In PF meeting of 23 July 1674, it was decided to raise the provision of the schoolmasters to 50 scudi a year. In the latest dispatch to Scotland however, the schoolmasters received 30 scudi (as they had been granted before the raise). In response,…
Because the republic of Venice has been very compassionate about her subjects that have been kept as slaves in Barbaria, she has decided to ransom some of them; this is why Venice wants to send Capuchins from her lands to these regions. For this…
Letter from Pallavicino to PF Prefect. There has been some uproar in Barbaria, because of the voluntary conversion of two girls to Christianity. Because of the orders given to him by PF on 14 July 1672, he has informed PF about the situation in a…
Letter from Alex're Vinsteri [Alexander Winster] to PF. The letter from PF dated 23 August was not only a consolation letter to him and the missionaries, but also to the areas Catholics. They chose children that are sent to the colleges abroad with…
Letter from Alexander Leslaeus [Alexander Lesley] to PF. It has been three years since he went to Scotland to work for the mission. He certainly made progress, especially in Banff [Bamffensi], Aberdeen, Mernensi? [Nairn?] and Angus. In these places…
Letter from Robert Monro to PF. He writes from the mountains areas of Scotland. He states that should there be more missionaries who speak Gaelic in the area, it would be much easier to convert people to Catholicism. The children from poor parents…
Letter from Carlo D'Ancona to [PF Secretary]. After staying for a long time in Malta he finally arrived in Tunis. There he received the patents of provicar apostolic from Jean Le Vacher. He sends a copy of the patents with the letter. There are five…
Letter from Marcello Costa to PF prefect. In a letter from 30 September 1673 PF asked him to help two Tinitarians, Francesco Arendieta and Francesco Ruiz; they are still in Tabarca, but will need to be supported once they arrive. On 5 March two…
Summary of a letter sent by the Trinitarian Procurator General [Domenico Jafurt], about the case of Bartolomeo Da Serrano. Among other issues, PF discussed the matters concerning Le Vacher and Bartolomeo Da Serrano several times on 11 January. Da…
Petition on behalf of Domenico Jafurt, Trinitarian procurator general. From the letters sent by [Bartolomeo Da] Serrano, one can understand that things are described very differently, than how the Vicar General of Carthage [Jean Le Vacher] presents…
Letter from Alexander Winster to [PF]. He has received the order to recall Gilbertu' Graium [Gilberty Gray] from the mission, but he has not yet been able to do this; he needs money in order to cover Gray's travelling expenses. He also needs a refund…
Letter from Marcello Costa to PF secretary. A month and a half ago he was assigned 30 scudi annually for the mission in Bizerte, for which he received the patent from Monsù Levacher [Jean Le Vacher]. This meant that he lost the right to receive…
Two letters arrived from Alessandro Winstero [Alexander Winster], the current Scottish prefect. The letters discuss various requests, and the response of the cardinals: a) as Gilberto Graio [Gilbert Gray] was useless for the mission, he was recalled.…
PF Summary of SOCG 435. Robert Monro, a missionary in Scotland, writes in a letter that: a) he has not been able to serve the mission as he wanted, because of a persecution in Scotland that started after letters of Jesuits were found. This happened…
Summary of three letters sent from the Scottish missionaries to PF. The nuncio to France [Francesco Nerli] has sent some letters from Scotland, written by the new prefect [David Burnetto], and one from a missionary [Alexander Winster]. In these…
Letter from Federico Baldeschi, secretary of PF. Two letters have been presented to the procurator of the mission of Scotland from Valchero [John Walker], who had been prefect of the Scottish mission. He had worked for this mission for 22 years, and…
There are eight missionaries in Scotland. Three of them, Francisc' Blancus [Francis White], Francisc' Macdonell [Francis MacDonell], and Robert Monro work in the northern mountains of Scotland, and on the Hebrides. Six priests there would hardly be…
Letter from David Burnet to PF secretary. Since the Apostolic See and PF spread the Catholic truth, they are completely dependent upon them. It is hard to respond to their messages from such a great distance. From the attached letters PF can…
Letter from David Burnet to PF. John Walker was the prefect of the mission but he suffered from a stroke. He remained prefect for two more years. But in May 1671 he went to London, as he hoped that the doctors there could help him. During his absence…
Letter from PF to the procurator general of four churches in Rome: Santa Francesca, [now Santa Maria Nova?], S. Carlino [San Carlo alle quattro fonte?], S. Dionisio and S. Adriano [San Adriano al Foro?]. PF asks them to save Vincenzo Piccinini who…
Letter from PF to the secretary of the secretary of briefs to princes and latin letters, [Mons'r Alusio?]. The defense given to the pope by the trinitarian procurator general [Domenico Jafurt], has been returned to PF on 13 May 1671, by [Alusio?]. PF…
Letter from Antonio Di Seravezza to PF. He had previously sent a letter to PF about the poor state of the church of Tunis (which had been caused by the French consul Jean Ambrozin), so that PF would select two priests for this case, and would be well…
PF summary of SOCG 424. Because Gio' LeVacher [Jean Le Vacher] could no longer stay as vicar apostolic in Tunis, Girolamo Da Sassari was sent there as vicar prefect; this authority was later given to Antonio Da Serauezza. They did many good things in…
Statement by Antonio Amarroty, merchant in Marseille, supporting Antonio Di Seravezza's case. Certified by Nicollas [Nicolas] de Bausset from the Marseille seneschalsy.
Copy of a letter from PF to monsignor S. Lusio. PF writes that the vicar apostolic of Algiers [Jean Le Vacher] has asked for some indulgences. Now that the request is approved by the Congregation of Indulgences, Lusio is asked to present the case to…